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You've gone out

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posted on 7/12/11

with a right old slapper

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 7/12/11

You weren't in

posted on 7/12/11

But you are out

posted on 7/12/11

At least Spurs made it past the group stages Manchester Madrid enjoy Channel 5

comment by X (U4074)

posted on 7/12/11

doesn't matter if you lose by a mile or an inch; winning is winning and losing is losing x

posted on 7/12/11

It will be interesting to see who Napoli get in the next round. If they get Madrid or Barcelona, it might not be a bad thing being in the Europa. If we can have a run in that, then we would ultimately make more money than we would going out in the CL. That. And it is more realistic that we might go all the way. Doubtful, but still possible.

I realise I'm clutching at straws, but needs must! I am quite surprised by the reactions on here though, I've always supported english teams in Europe, even United, as it is good for the league as a whole.

I can understand it though, hopefully we can fare a bit better next year!

comment by boolot (U8996)

posted on 7/12/11

1. your group wasn't nearly as hard as ours.
2. you are a small club with nothing to lose and therefore could play without any pressure. Being the underdogs in every game, you were bound to succeed the way you did.
3. you aren't even in the champions league this year

good luck "winning the league"

posted on 7/12/11


posted on 7/12/11

comment by boolot (U8996)

posted on 7/12/11


posted on 7/12/11

Going in to the Europa League will make more money then losing in the first round of the CL knock out stages? No chance, would of got a massive amount for just being in the knock out stages.

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 7/12/11

Spurs haven't qualified for the next round of uefa yet an they are spouting out

posted on 7/12/11

Comment deleted by Article Creator

comment by X (U4074)

posted on 7/12/11

I like to eat the doo doo's - actually you're wrong losing in the first knock out round would make slightly less than winning the Europa, assuming
A) the team qualifies for Europa via Champions League
B) the alternative is not winning every champions league group game x

posted on 7/12/11

Spurshead likes this.

posted on 7/12/11

Bless the spurs fan

posted on 7/12/11

Bless Team Manchester. More money than God but still a bunch of wastemans

posted on 7/12/11

posted on 7/12/11

posted on 7/12/11

Top of the league, semi final of the CC?

posted on 7/12/11

It's ok. You have money

But no soul

comment by GOODBYE (U1029)

posted on 7/12/11


posted on 7/12/11

posted on 7/12/11


posted on 7/12/11

Worst British team in CL since Everton?

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