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Sandro on the right anyone?

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posted on 21/12/11

I would give Rose or more so Townsend a chance let him and Bale swap wings throughout.

posted on 21/12/11

Your either not a spurs fan or just very naive.
a) bale is a left winger and will play on the left wing as thats his strongest position, but the interchnaging positions with Lennon would work just not any other winger.
b) rose is essentially our back up lb
c) townsend is over rated, and like ekotto, extremely one footed; left footed. He even showed this against Irish champions Shamrock Rovers for christ sake!

posted on 21/12/11

Just anidea just because you dont agree don't give me aggro over it,Danny Rose began his career as a winger and Andros Townsend has unreal pace he could always cut inside did you think of that?or play Bale on the right which has been done quite a few times with Modric on the left so yes i am a Spurs fan and im not naive your just a t.wat.

posted on 21/12/11

OP you ask for our opinion, yet when someone gives you one you say "Your either not a spurs fan or just very naive."

Townsend overrated?? I think it is YOU who isn't a Spurs fan.


comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 21/12/11

Sandro on the right? No

posted on 21/12/11

On the right?! No. Way!

VdV cannot play on the right either. Mata will have a field day! I'd put Bale on the right with Modric on the left. I beat Newcastle 6-0 with this formation MOUSSA SOW SCORED 5! SIGN HIM UP!

posted on 21/12/11

townsend is over rated, and like ekotto, extremely one footed; left footed. He even showed this against Irish champions Shamrock Rovers for christ sake!

Please tell me you are joking!!!!

EXTREMELY LEFT FOOTED?!?! His right foot curler was world class!

posted on 21/12/11

Kind of wish Bentley was still here,At least he played the defence part correct,Id put Danny Rose out there.,Or Walker with Charlie at right back.

posted on 21/12/11


comment by (U12202)

posted on 21/12/11

I happen to this is not a bad idea. Sandro can drift in and allow Walker to play on the outside. This would give us more strenght in midfield.

posted on 21/12/11

Whilst I can see the thinking behind it, I don't think it will be an option.

4-4-2 at home VDV on the right. Parker will cover his wanderings as will the Beast if/when he tires.

posted on 21/12/11

LM: Bale
RM: Townsend


posted on 21/12/11

Kaboul right back and Walker right wing......It really is very simple.

posted on 21/12/11

Think Kaboul at RB and Walker on the RW could potentially be very good. But i think we will really miss Kaboul in the CB position.

Gallas is still a good CB but he's looked a little rusty imo this season. Im not sure risking our best CB pairing by putting Kaboul at RB is really the right choice against such strong opponents as Chelsea.

posted on 21/12/11

Decspur :

Not if you fear injury counts.

posted on 21/12/11

Gallas at RB?

posted on 21/12/11

sea-the-stars, sorry mate i'd had a few last night and reading it again this morning feel a bit of a pork sword, so apologies buddy

We r tottenham & Doovdé, townsend is full on pony in my opinion and yes incredibly one footed. Other than his goal, point out to me where he frequently used his right peg or at least the same amount as his left? He was always cutting inside against Shamrock and is well over rated. So what if he scored a great goal against a nothing side in a nothing game, he hasn't done a lot since except have a bust up in training!

I'm not a massive fan of Modric on the left, because although he had one good season there, his ability to drift inwards and his effect on play from a central posistion is more beneficial than playing him wide.

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