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posted on 26/12/11

Because they got £50million for Torres and they spent it before the tax man came a calling

posted on 26/12/11

feel a bit bad for him cause he didnt put tht price tag on his head, but yea it was such a bad deal for us

who ever made the decision on that should be sacked!

posted on 26/12/11

People were saying that about Berbatov in his first year. Look at him now, the past couple of seasons and he has more experience. Andy Carroll has over four years left on his contract and he'll do what other players do, get better when they have settled in and experience more with their teammates.

posted on 26/12/11

Because at the time we bought him it looked like he would be England's number 9 for the next 10 years, then came the £35 million price tag, we all raised our eyebrows, then the injuries, we all held our head - now the performances and we all cover our eyes

posted on 26/12/11

I have often asked myself the same question. Probably the answer is this, Kenny needed a striker who could lead the line to replace Torres, however he only had hours to sell a player clearly wanted out and replace him. There were never going to be a great deal of players available and Dalglish would of wanted a young player with potentiol like Suarez who could provide Liverpool with good service in the short and longterm. So he brought Carroll and the fact that he was english was an added bonus. However because it was so late in the window and because Spurs were intrested his price rocketed from around 20 million or so( is you belive the papers) to 35. We were gonna make a profit anyway due to the Torres sale so Kenny and the owners just went for it. In hindsight maybe we could of waited until the summer or gone for a cheap expirenced yet effective striker but we didnt. The trouble with Carroll is a) he is a good player with potentiol however he is just not worth 35 million and b) he does not fit into our style of play by now. Kenny needed also to lift the club when Torres was going so spashing the cash was an effective way of doing this. He is a very good manager but he took a understandble yet big gamble over Carroll and unfortunatly it has not payed off.

posted on 26/12/11

Although i think Kenny just wanted somebody to goto boyband concerts with him.

posted on 26/12/11

I do not actually know the statistics, this is a question:

Who has scored more, since transfer deadline day last January: Carroll or Torres?

comment by Beeb (U1841)

posted on 26/12/11

The gamble hasn't paid off, eh?

You know what comes across from your post? I suspect you are really referring to Dalglish.

posted on 26/12/11

comment by Henrik's_Forehead-Twists and Turns Tommy ... (U6171)

posted 2 minutes ago

I do not actually know the statistics, this is a question:

Who has scored more, since transfer deadline day last January: Carroll or Torres?

posted on 26/12/11

yeah you could have chamahk and park and still had 30m left!

posted on 26/12/11


I'm sure if someone was referring to Kenny they would say it, it is an anonymous Internet forum after all

posted on 26/12/11

Rovers fan in peace Kenny at Rovers got most of his signings right but since coming back into football has wasted a lot of money which he never did at Blackburn,Hopefully Kenny is right and Carroll will come good

posted on 26/12/11

play him every week...give him a months run in the team

posted on 26/12/11

Dont you mean a months walk?

posted on 26/12/11

I imagine he bought him because he thought he would be a good player for Liverpool!

Why else do managers buy players?

Unfortunately for Liverpool, Carroll and Dalglish it hasn't worked out like that...it's easy to criticise a buy that doesn't work out from the comfort of an armchair!

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