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These 26 comments are related to an article called:

Everyday Teabags

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comment by Cohort (U3722)

posted on 20/6/11

When was the last time Spurs won anything not named 'Carling'?

comment by GOODBYE (U1029)

posted on 20/6/11


Birmingham City

comment by Cohort (U3722)

posted on 20/6/11

I don't even like Le Árse so there's another fail

Good luck getting Damiao (he won't be joining a Europa club)

comment by GOODBYE (U1029)

posted on 20/6/11


So tell me, who do you support?

posted on 20/6/11

Those bags have more holes than the Arsenal defence!

posted on 20/6/11

You are so sad, actually searching the Arsenal store to find something to wind us up with. What sort of Spurs fan goes on the Arsenal store, get a life.

posted on 20/6/11

Those bags have more holes than the Arsenal defence!


So our defence isn't that bad


comment by GOODBYE (U1029)

posted on 20/6/11

Nasri's Agent (U6563)

Job done,

comment by Cohort (U3722)

posted on 20/6/11

I support a team who doesn't buy their way out of trouble (no Spurs player came from the academy)

comment by GOODBYE (U1029)

posted on 20/6/11

So who is that then 99? tell us who you support?

posted on 20/6/11

Not bad compared to a bag with thousands of holes in, no,

That's not really great either though, bit like "my wife is a right old dog, but not quite as ugly as Peter Beardsley in drag" seems good in comparison, but doesn't hold up to much scrutiny

comment by GOODBYE (U1029)

posted on 20/6/11

Ledley King, Jake Livermore, Steven Caulker - Academy!

posted on 20/6/11

Comment deleted by Article Creator

comment by GOODBYE (U1029)

posted on 20/6/11

I love deleting him!

posted on 20/6/11

♫The THUdd™©♫ (U1029)
im game mr Hudd WUM

comment by GOODBYE (U1029)

posted on 20/6/11

I like you now WengersNearlyMen

It's like we are those guys on that mountain and we have bonded

posted on 20/6/11

Not bad compared to a bag with thousands of holes in, no,

That's not really great either though, bit like "my wife is a right old dog, but not quite as ugly as Peter Beardsley in drag" seems good in comparison, but doesn't hold up to much scrutiny


But we could have thousands of less holes than a teabag, so you are a complete fail still, you didn't state how many less.

Your defence conceded more goals than ours, so you should be the one worried about your defence.

posted on 20/6/11

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 20/6/11

Lets all feed the Thudd...

comment by GOODBYE (U1029)

posted on 20/6/11

Satans good vision (U1218)

What Satan said

posted on 20/6/11


posted on 20/6/11


comment by GOODBYE (U1029)

posted on 20/6/11

Never Blowing Bubbles (U7929)

It's about ARSEnal.. So join in

posted on 20/6/11

♫The THUdd™©♫ (U1029)

That made me laugh

posted on 20/6/11

im back Mr Hudd

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