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These 35 comments are related to an article called:

they are hurting

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posted on 20/6/11

It was desmond.

What's mccoists contract?

posted on 20/6/11

i think its a year all is on green? im not 100% sure though
its enough to give him a chance to prove himself
anymore than a year is suicide for the old firm due to the nature of loosing the league in a two horse race -mowbray and le guen as example-infact im not to sure how long leguens contract was..do you?

posted on 20/6/11

I think I gathered that ally is on a years contract.

So, OP, what's your point?

posted on 20/6/11

why ask then????
i dont think your foo bob lol

posted on 20/6/11

I actually understand about 30 percent of your posts.

I gathered it from your reply, that's why I asked.

Again, I ask what your point is?

posted on 20/6/11

Made an erchie of yourself here Ally, terrible post

posted on 20/6/11

Seriously though bhoys why just 1 year?

Massive vote of confidence that was

posted on 20/6/11

Why not? It was good enough for O'neil and Strachan

Why the obsession bears??

posted on 20/6/11

Why try and wind up and then post a reply that totalliy discredits it. Dear oh dear

All you lads need to worry about is tht he will be here for next season. If he does well, he stays. If not, he may or may not go. Either way, a bad thing for Rangers. Ergo, roon ye

posted on 20/6/11

read the post-
ill try and explain some points
i named a few that are hurting more than others
the named few are never off the champs board -talking about the champs
the comment about lennons contract
quote from celtic park
lennon will be tied down on a long term contract
one year contract does not seem to me to be a long term contract
wow you lot are hard work or miby i just dont get your mindset as i would not be as happy as you lot are with second place every year

posted on 20/6/11

ill try and explain some points


horrendous effort.

It's ok, I don't mind not being the same mindset as a guy who comes across on a forum like a snapped abacus!

posted on 20/6/11


"There’s no doubt about it, he’ll get a new contract - for a very long time,”

Why just a year then?

posted on 20/6/11

Why just a year then?


we can all play these games.

Why is Ally dipping and mostly failing in the Bosman Market when we has a lovely warchest?

BUT, I don't really care

posted on 20/6/11

There’s no doubt about it, he’ll get a new contract - for a very long time,”

Who's to say he won't?

posted on 20/6/11


Has the last 3 seasons not taught you that Rangers don't need a war chest to beat Celtic.

Seriously though, why just a year? Do you think if he had won the league last season he would have got a longer contract?

posted on 20/6/11

why pay a fee when the money could be used to pay a bosman player better wages

im going to through something at this tv tonight
do they just play daft-is it just an act pffffttttt

posted on 20/6/11

Willie noone suggested you did.

I was just playing your game.

Ally, no idea what your attempting to convey here or in most of your posts. Some fuzzy drivel as per

posted on 20/6/11


I'm not playing games

I'm just wondering why Dermot reneged on offering Neil a contract for "a very long time"

Has someone had a word in his ear?

posted on 20/6/11

I'm just wondering why Dermot reneged on offering Neil a contract for "a very long time"

why don't you call Celtic and ask if it bothers you that much.

A rolling contract could be a year, two years, or a very long time. You don't know.

Once you find out the reason, what are you going to do about it?

People say things you know. Do we have a free hit once your Barcelona Super City doesn't happen?

posted on 20/6/11

'why pay a fee when the money could be used to pay a bosman player better wages'

You mean like the Hemed situation?

posted on 20/6/11

dont know the ins and out of the deal offerd but you cant compete with the sun and playing in the Spanish league

posted on 20/6/11


Cool the rage

I'm asking you, a Celtic fan.

Are they worried Neil will bottle it again this year are therefor opting for the flexibility of a one year deal?

I mean you can't blame Rangers for giving Coisty a 12 month deal seeing as he's a Rookie and has never managed a game before.

What happened to "IN LENNON WE TRUST"?

posted on 20/6/11

Yeah they are worried he will bottle it probably.

Do you not think one year contracts are a good idea? The most beneficial to the club?

posted on 20/6/11

I think Neil would have been expecting a longer one after what Dermot said.

Maybe he just got caught up in the emotions of winning the cup and said it without thinking, I dont know.

posted on 20/6/11

Even though he said it before the cup final aye?

so are you not answering my questions? Rolling contracts, good idea?

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