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These 109 comments are related to an article called:

Worrying times for Spurs?

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posted on 29/12/11

no spurs are a great team and will finish top 4

posted on 29/12/11

I wouldn't go as far as great, but yeah on current form they are a shoe in for top 4

posted on 29/12/11

Bubbles, we all know that form is temporary and we have seen Chelsea in the previous season climbing 3 places from 5th to 2nd in the matter of months.

comment by 8bit (U2653)

posted on 29/12/11

Spurs' players will get picked off over the next couple of years, they pay less wages than Arsenal and we struggle, the Tots have hit a the ceiling on their progress now

posted on 29/12/11


We need Chez Wenger to return and serve up some more Lasagne at this rate

posted on 29/12/11

Tottenham are doing fantastic but their assets will be sold... Sooner or later and i say that with no animosity.

posted on 29/12/11

8bit, they are certainly gambling their future putting CL at stake.

posted on 29/12/11

Metro_1, you might be right. They have to sell their assets i.e players to pay wages. I am not sure from where they can get 400 million to build the new stadium..

The lenders must be brave if they do.

posted on 29/12/11

the Sp ud Wums will be out in force

posted on 29/12/11

Spurs IMO are on the verge of becoming a really good team, that would lead to them becoming a big club, I think that's how close they are to moving up the next level to being a competitor for silverware each season.
However they are just as close to going backwards again, and slipping back to where they were a few seasons ago, just a team that would finish 6th or 7th regularly not really competing for any trophies.

It's all down to whether Redknapp can keep his players, and keep signing more class players, to give the current group of players belief that they are at the right club to win trophies. So far so good for Redknapp though

posted on 29/12/11

WNM, don't worry, being your deputy I will eat and kick those wums a rses..

posted on 29/12/11

Sir Bubbly ,

They can't keep players or sign more world class players if you fail to reach top4.

posted on 29/12/11

You failed to mention how the spurs players only take home the minimum wage,just playing for the love of putting that white jersey on to aid the sustainability of the looters club of choice

posted on 29/12/11

Well if I'd been told back in August that by the end of the year there'd be so many people on here clearly rattled by Spurs' progress, I'd have been delighted. I do appreciate though that the OP has a genuinely worrying obsession with Spurs and probably would've been posting numerous articles about us regardless of our form.

comment by 8bit (U2653)

posted on 29/12/11

I'm not rattled by Spurs, the thought of you finishing above us isn't a nice one but even if it happened Spurs wouldn't suddenly become a bigger club than Arsenal, you won't have the resources to try overtake us consistently until you build a new stadium IMO.

posted on 29/12/11


I am not sure how Spurs progress relates to this article. You clearly don't have enough resources to cover your wage bill for this year.. provided you sell your assets ie. players.

posted on 29/12/11

I was going to crack wise about my disbelief for financial instability at a club with 'Arry at the helm, but instead I'll say that money is not what Spurs should be worried about. Without sustained achievement, Spurs cannot attract the players Arsenal, United and Chelsea can, and they cannot offer the wages of City. True, we haven't achieved in a while, but we have history and more club prestige on our side.

posted on 29/12/11

Without sustained achievement.............



oh yeah


posted on 29/12/11

MTH, how much prize money you have won from Carling Cup?

Do you think winning a mickey mouse cup in a decade is sustained achievement.?

posted on 29/12/11

Mitch - give it a rest eh?

get back to the fizzy pop league


posted on 29/12/11

What West Ham have got with this article?

posted on 29/12/11

what have you got to do with Spurs or Arsenal?

posted on 29/12/11

This Forum is design for debate.. just like you, Hillsborough and your Irish contingency.

posted on 29/12/11


posted on 29/12/11

Mitch - it was a genuine question, if you've read it properly

not intended to WUM, antagonise or provoke reaction - unlike anything you ever write

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