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posted on 3/1/12

posted on 3/1/12

Cannae beat some auld rumours

'Apparently Kevin Kelly, the genius driving-force behind Celtic FC
(muffled laughter), has aquired the services of Sergio Adeff, well know
international public relations consultant(!?), to head the new campaign
to raise money for the Cambuslang castle-in-the-sky. This move has
angered the SFA as they claim they already had Mr. Adeff signature on
paper to join as special liason officer between Richard Gough and Andy
Roxburgh. No one at Park Circus was willing to comment until Jim Farry
returns from holiday on Mars.

On the other side of the city it is rumoured that Davie "ET" Dodds is
leaving the Ibrox fold to pursue a more lucrative career in the
movies. Apparently ET has been offered a part in "Nightmare on Elm
Street Part XXXIV, Freddie's Nightmare" where he plays a hideous
creature that plagues the dreams of Freddie Krugger and is the root
cause of poor old Freddie's rather anti-social behavior to date!

Also from Ibrox, this time on the transfer front, Hen Broon is on loan
to the ailing European Space Agency (ESA) to help with the backlog of
satellite launches!

And finally news just in, someone has just reported a sighting of Jim
McLean with a smile on his face! Well, just goes to show you can't
believe all you read in the news!!! '

posted on 3/1/12

Seems that ritchie comes from a long line of whiners and dismal Johnnies.

posted on 3/1/12


Thanks for sharing that.

I luv old stuff.

Wonder why?

posted on 3/1/12


Thanks for sharing that.

I luv old stuff.

Wonder why?

No probs, glad you enjoyed it

Here's an optimistic Celtic fan starting a 'Let's all laugh at Rangers' thread in 1992...because they signed Dave McPherson


posted on 3/1/12

Seems that ritchie comes from a long line of whiners and dismal Johnnies.

It was me with another name

posted on 3/1/12

Happy New Year ritchie.

That wisn'ae you.

But this wiz. You in 2011.

'It seems to me that our once proud club are in big trouble. The sharp decline in standards at the club has been nothing short of dramatic'.

posted on 3/1/12

I think only a fool would argue against the FACT that the standards have dropped dramatically since MONs day MQ but i was a bit OTT with my prophet of doom message I admit that

comment by DC (U8199)

posted on 3/1/12


prediction powers haven't increased over the ages have they

posted on 3/1/12

Good man yersel ritchie.

Remember this Golden Oldie about the atmosphere?

Celtic fans
Scottish Premier Celtic
by ritchiebhoy (U9226072) 15 March 2008

'What is going on with the Celtic support these days? The amount of moaning and whining going on is unbelievable. Many who go simply seen to go to moan and complain the atmosphere at Celtic Park is dismal thank goodness for the Green Brigade'

Changed days eh?

posted on 3/1/12

Aye that was before they showed thier true colours on poppy day MQ .A day that left myself and many who sat around me in block 111 appalled and embarrassed and raging!!

posted on 3/1/12

I know we've had our disagreements.

Vital that everyone now gets behind Neil and the team in the run in.

There will be slips ups but we should all KTF.

I'll be watching if ye start yer girning.

posted on 3/1/12

When did we ever disagree MQ??
And when did I ever STOP girning??
Ok MQ you keep an eye on me and let me know when i go off the tracks again
Happy New Year old yin

posted on 3/1/12


posted on 3/1/12


prediction powers haven't increased over the ages have they

We can only hope/expect that in 20 years time, there will be people laughing at all the stuff we type on here every day

This is a belter btw


posted on 3/1/12

'What is going on with the Celtic support these days? The amount of moaning and whining going on is unbelievable. Many who go simply seen to go to moan and complain the atmosphere at Celtic Park is dismal thank goodness for the Green Brigade'

Changed days eh?

Another good yin

posted on 3/1/12


I'm on a new machine that's probably too defensive - can't see the link.

Could you cut and paste a wee bit?

posted on 3/1/12

I'm assuming you mean the last link I posted, Quinn - if so...

'I believe that Henrik Larsson has made a poor career choice.I'm sure that he can't cope with the more physical football here in Scotland.
Players like him are much more effective in countries like Germany or Belgium.
I saw him play in the Scotland vs. Sweden game,and he didn't look too impressive,in fact,every long ball seems like a struggle for him.Big defenders will surely beat him all the time.That guy won't make an impact over here.
He plays for a crap team anyway.

Next season..10 In A Row!! '

posted on 3/1/12

Whoooo hooooo!

Total belter.

Like the guy who sold the Beatles saying they were 3rd rate & wouldn't last 6 months.

Cheers Harvey.

posted on 3/1/12

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