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posted on 7/1/12

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posted on 7/1/12

McLean is a Rangers man FFS - the whole country knows that!

McLean is a life long Rangers fan.

quinn can you give us examples of when he has shown it

in my mind he is a united man through and through, but you may show me different

posted on 7/1/12


johnny doyle christened alfie conn the DOB in the dressing room

posted on 7/1/12

Yeah yeah Laudrup.

The first Arab from Larkhall.

posted on 7/1/12

quinn sometimes you are at a club so long you just love the club

wee jum had the opportunity to become the rangers manager he knocked it back to stay at united

walter just couldnt resist the chance he was annoyed at wee jum for not taking it

posted on 7/1/12

Because he looks like a big fat woman I used to know.

GTF you berz. Laudrup I do not need lectures from berz about personal insults.

I've been insulted plenty on here.
Funny it never bothered any of you till you fell to 2nd place.
Funny that innit.

Laudrup, where were you when all the berz were "letting themselves down" with their stupid remarks about Coco-puff teeth?

Your silence was deafening.

posted on 7/1/12

its not only rangers men who live in larkhall

posted on 7/1/12


2 things.

Prove the thing about Doyle.

Tell me what team he was managing.

We're talking managers on this thread.

posted on 7/1/12

Still makes me laugh. Watched Sportscene the night it happened completely unaware of what McLean did


posted on 7/1/12


i find it disapointing when a discussion is in full flow and name calling comes into it, no need

posted on 7/1/12

Prove the thing about Doyle.

read davie provan book

all im trying to point out is things get said on training grounds and dressing rooms all the time, its two sided

posted on 7/1/12

Well then Laudrup, maybe you missed the hairy back comment from RFC. to disappoint.

Oh and RFC, if you're not drunk, what's your excuse?
As you say I'm blind drunk, but can still spell business.

posted on 7/1/12

Post Puller Alert.

Jeez oh.


posted on 7/1/12

Don't quote Jim McLean whatever you do guys.

Some New Town Jessie will get it pulled.

posted on 7/1/12

Don't quote Jim McLean whatever you do guys.

Some New Town Jessie will get it pulled


posted on 7/1/12

Laudrup, does that not fit with your warped view?

C'mon man. Condemn me, but the berr gets a pass?

Maybe that's why I couldn't give a F what any of the berz think of me on here.

posted on 7/1/12


posted on 7/1/12

Laudrup, does that not fit with your warped view?

i dont have one mate, its only a gemm a fitba

at the end of the day it doesnt pay your bills or feed your family

posted on 7/1/12

sorry quinn i didnt know what you meant

wee jim has never done the rangers any favours , that i can remember

not in a terry butcher kinda way anyhow

posted on 7/1/12

Try reading more than the 1st line, Laudrup.

posted on 7/1/12

quebec you starting on me now mate

try chilling a bit

lifes too short

posted on 7/1/12

Hey pal, you started on me for "personal insults"

But your wee berr mate gets a bye?

Aye right. Got your number, son.

posted on 8/1/12


The SFA's new open-to-all p[olicy should be applauded, maybe that's why Most do not complain as much this season.

Pity Ally and Rangers canny agree with the even-handiness being meted out...but we all know why that is

Ps...Jim McLean wouldn't take the Rangers job, simply because of their signing policy

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