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We're not English any more

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comment by Fox_14 (U2869)

posted on 10/1/12

Hi Dunge,

I was at the match and I can honestly say that I didn't hear the alleged chant. To be fair, the only noise from the Forest supporters came from A Block, apart from when they all joined in with that Mull of Kintyre song at the start of the second half. The Trent end and the rest of the Main Stand were silent throughout the match.

I could see and hear some chanting from A Block but I couldn't tell you what it was as I was in the Bridgford End/Brown Paper Bag stand corner on the opposite side of A Block and the singing that they did manage wasn't very loud.

But to be honest, I wouldn't be at all surpsised if there was racist chanting going on. I've not been to a Forest game home or away where the little charmers didn't sing that 'Town full of P....' song at some point.

I think it's being highlighted though due to the recent John Terry/Luis Suarev incidents. Whether it's being blown out of proportion is down to ones own personal opinion, I suppose.

posted on 10/1/12

Teams have been singing songs like this to us for years. I wouldn't get too worried over it.

posted on 10/1/12

It's on youtube along with others,can't post the link sorry, i'm not sure whether its directed at the fans or the owners

posted on 10/1/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 10/1/12

I was at the game and can confirm I did hear the Forest fans chanting this. I also heard 'you are just a small town in Islamabad' a couple of times, therefore I believe the chants were aimed not aimed at the owners.

posted on 10/1/12

*not aimed at the owners

posted on 10/1/12

Well I'm not sure you have to use a 'racist word to be or act in a racist way so that's irrelevant.

I personally would suggest that particular chant though is more to do with the fact our club has been taken over than a racist one per se.

However, there are videos (some on youtube) of racist chanting both inside the stadium and racist abuse from people (I refuse to do Forest the indignation of calling then 'fans' ) outside the ground.

By all accounts these have been forwarded by more than one person on to the police and the F.A. who are investigating.

Now it has been brought to the attention of the relevant bodies, I think talking about it too much will only give it the attention it doesn't deserve.

posted on 10/1/12

I'm really not surprised by these chants at all, coming from a City that is famous for a myth that is called Robin Hood!

Besides the myth has it he was from Doncaster!

posted on 10/1/12

I was sitting in the forest end with my forest mates and not few but many fans were chanting racist comments

posted on 10/1/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 10/1/12

Although I wasn't there, I have seen the videos and I wouldn't take these people too seriously. For me the "you're not English anymore" chant just seems like a bit of fun aimed at our owners - amusing songs and chants are part of our game and people who get all het up about them like Ben strike me as just trying to suck the lifeblood out of English football. Some people are so sensitive these days it's unreal.

The others are less savoury, but so are the sort of people who chant such things. Vile, thick, and most likely plastered they're probably best ignored - if the authorities want to deal with them they can. A small minority will always want to cause trouble just look at the Barnsley fans who chanted about Billy Sharp's son - that was far, far worse in my opinion.

posted on 10/1/12

It was sung to us at our league match earlier in the season and I felt it was aimed at the citys ethnic population.

I never heard a peep out of their fans in the fa cup game.

posted on 10/1/12

why was my comment deleted?

posted on 10/1/12

I highly doubt its aimed at the owners and it's something that they can use to wind people up. It doesn't help when players at the top level are making racist comments / gestures, neither does protesting against punishment as it starts making it 'acceptable'.

IMO people who are hiding within a crowd, chanting these things just look complete cowards and morons anyway as they are going with safety in numbers.

posted on 10/1/12

Didn't hear a peep out of the trent end, could see A block singing but rarely heard them let alone make out what they were singing. You're not english anymore is just banter in my view, i think they're just highlighting the fact they maybe feel we've 'sold our soul' to foreign investors. But i really detest chants singing about hating P@*** like millwall did at our place or even just saying we're a town full of p@***. i think that kind of racism should be passed on to the FA or the Police and am happy to hear it has.

posted on 10/1/12

IsleOfMan-Red - I don't know, I didn't see it or delete it. Must have been done by admin.

comment by Jobyfox (U4183)

posted on 10/1/12

Hmmmm.... as a Leicester fan I’m not sure about this.

If the chant had been Leicester is full of ***** I could understand the offence, but “you’re not English anymore” could have all sorts of connotations. Is it a reference to Leicester’s Thai owners and King Power branding? Is it a reference to the number of English born players in the team? Is it a reference to Leicester’s immigrant community?

If it is the latter then it does indeed raise further debate. Are the fans implying that a settled immigrant community can not be considered English even if they’re second or third generation? It opens up a much wider cultural debate about whether immigrants, predominantly South Asian (and amongst them mostly Indian), are less integrated than other immigrants from Polish, Afro Caribbean, East European etc. communities. Also, the use of the word English, excludes Scottish, Welsh and Irish.

In short, whilst it may make some of us feel uncomfortable, there is enough ambiguity to suggest that many of the fans taking part may have been misguided; but I’m not sure if they are really racist. It would, therefore, be a waste of Police time and resources to pursue a case of racial hatred.

posted on 10/1/12

I'm pleasd to say it's been removed from youtube.

posted on 10/1/12

The song 'you're not English anymore' was probably racist. It's just almost impossible to be proved as such. It's not like they don't sing other blatantly racist chants, they sing quite a few, so in the context of that it's quite clear what they meant. They probably thought it was witty.

comment by Culle (U1873)

posted on 10/1/12

Its was a racist chant like the one "Leicester is a small town in Baghdad". I was there on saturday and it was sung along with you use to be english a few times. Forest and Leeds always sing these songs when they play us.

Unfortunatley they are not very bright and can only sing these types of songs. i'm convinced they dont really mean a lot of what they say, but do it to get a rise from the city fans.....

posted on 10/1/12

I heard the "small town in Baghdad" but couldn't understand it? Our owners are from Thailand and a large part of the city population is from India-both thousands of miles from Iraq? Very strange! anyway, I'm amazed they could be bothered to sing anything towards us as they don't consider us to be rivals!

comment by LloydX (U6993)

posted on 12/1/12

I can honestly say that I've heard the "Town full of ..... " song at Forest v Leicester games and it maes me ashamed to be part of the Forest crowd every time. In our defence however I'd say that it can't come as a surprise to anyone that there are racist/idiotic/xenophobic/bigoted fans at any football match. I'd be in favour of anyone proven to have sung the song being banned for life, they're no loss.

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