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These 15 comments are related to an article called:

Daily Mail join the Kean fanbase

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posted on 13/1/12

What a stupid interview total PR disaster
all he has done is add to fact that everyone is blaming the fans
Can't walk the streets of blackburn we are football fans what do think we will do must think we are Animals or something

comment by RTM08 (U5878)

posted on 13/1/12

Kean's comments about other people (Jack Straw, Big Sam, Kevin Gallacher) are infuriating!

He really picked his timing well didn't he

posted on 13/1/12

Who is advising Kean,he should ask for his money back cos that was bad advise and then sack him

posted on 14/1/12

We as Rovers fans, have thought for years that the media and football's "Establishment" wanted our and other small town clubs demise.

This and other miserable efforts by the Mail/Express/TV "Axis" have derided the fans of Blackburn Rovers, irrespective of any involvement in protests, completely ignoring the performance of our team and its management.

Pleas from our MP, Local press and politicians, club sponsors and other concerned parties have been ignored by owners and national media alike in their pathetic condemnation of Rovers fans en bloc as some kind of racist mob, raging against the light of Venkys and Keans master plan.

Perhaps the last protest will be playing into the hands of our detractors.

Apathy, disinterest and falling gates.
People like me.
40+ years a Rover, whose heart is breaking with our clubs demise who cannot bear the ineptitude of team and management.
Are hurt by the sense of loss and despair pervading the atmosphere at ewood.

My love of the "beautiful game" is long dead, burned on the pyre of Sky, Champions league and Fifa's money-go round.
Only the passion for my boyhood club and heroes have kept me going, the rest is dressing!

Suffering hurt for love can be justified, but paying for the privilege?

posted on 14/1/12

Well well well!!
Why open your gob now Steve?

Please fire back Sam!! (Nail him/them)

Steve I was saddened that you never touched on the subject that as well as needing security to protect you you also need a driver to drive you because somebody spiked your drink when you was looking forward to having a post match bottle of red with Sir Alex.
If I was your boss and you cost me two extra wages do you really think I would still employ you
You deserve all that is coming to you this weekend and Mr Anderson is doomed.It seems he has managed to shut down the Blackburn Rovers forum at the Lancashire Evening Telegraph

"Power to the people" (Wolfie)

posted on 14/1/12

cannot believe what I have just read. it winds me up readin about poor little kean and his ridiculous sob story, but i can see how other 'real' football fans will lap it up and see us as the enemy of football and civilization which winds me up more. grrrrrr. readin that also says to he defo aint goin...EVER!!!! i think i actually hate him. why does he not live with his family though? is/was he separated from his wife or something?

posted on 14/1/12

Fear not Thompson20 I think their time is coming

posted on 14/1/12

Dreadful article
The supporters are the most important body at a football club and they are simply not represented in the article.An appalling piece of journalism,it had a similar feel to a party political broadcast with its balance
If Blackburn go down you would really fear for their very existence,never mind the probability of it being their last venture in the premier league
Keep fighting I hope it works out for you

posted on 14/1/12

Start winning matches and it will all go away (preferred option)

If you can't because you are inept, venkys won't back you or because our support is allegedly rubbish, then WALK AWAY.

I would be perfectly happy (though not proud) to churn out this drivel for £25K a week.

posted on 14/1/12

Dreadful unbelievable article. Talks about the team that beat Man U as if that was anything but a freak result. Team behind him....the ones that don't want out...

comment by BRFC120 (U3766)

posted on 14/1/12

It's a terrible article. To completely ignore all the facts that don't suit its agenda -that it took the fans almost a year of his horrendous management to turn, that his record is atrocious, that if he had left his position (sacked or resigned) it would never have reached this stage, that protests have only intensified because fans haven't been listened to- is appalling journalism.

And this: "His credentials have, of course, been overlooked at Blackburn."

What on earth...?? I really couldn't give a toss if he's worked as a cleaner all his life or has managed Barcelona and Man Utd and Real Madrid in the past. The point is he is failing miserably at Blackburn and is going to get us relegated. His credentials are irrelevant. I'd feel just the same if Alex Feguson had taken over from Allardyce and sunk us to the bottom of the league with 14 points from 20 games.

comment by RTM08 (U5878)

posted on 14/1/12

Tweets from the journo who wrote it:

"Surprise, surprise. Blackburn fans hate Kean interview. It wasn't a piece about his bloody win ratio. It's about the abuse of a human being"

"Remember what Blackburn fans sung when 1-0 up at Anfield. Justify that."

comment by BRFC120 (U3766)

posted on 14/1/12

If it was purely about the abuse of a human being, why has he rambled on about Kean's "credentials"? Surely they are irrelevant if Kean's suitability for the job is not part of the topic?

posted on 14/1/12

Ridiculous and damaging article by Kean's brother.

Kean out. Venky's out.

posted on 14/1/12

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