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Marvin Andrews

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posted on 24/1/12

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posted on 24/1/12

Some people turn to religion for inspiration, personally I tend to turn to the bottle everything seems much rosier when you're steamboats. Anyway big Marvin's a great guy.

posted on 24/1/12

Andrews said: “A fan sent me a message on Twitter last week,” said Andrews. “He wrote: ‘Marv, do you think God will help the Rangers with the tax case?’

“I sent him an answer back straight away. I said: ‘God will answer any person with a sincere heart who calls upon him’. He seemed very happy with that and replied: ‘Marv, God will see us through this tax case’


posted on 24/1/12

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posted on 24/1/12

Zach, I canny beleive you are thirty six years older than me

posted on 24/1/12

he's just left roby roy junior team would probs do a better job than whittaker for 1/25 of that chunts wages

posted on 24/1/12

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posted on 24/1/12

Rocknrollbhoy, so God's on our side as well now....that's it then nae worries!. .

posted on 24/1/12

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posted on 24/1/12

All in good spirits.

Zach you don't sound a day after 30 mate

posted on 24/1/12

It's o.k. Zach we've still got the refs, they're doing Celtic a good turn for the moment just to make it look as if they are slightly unbiased.

posted on 24/1/12

It's o.k. Zach we've still got the refs, they're doing Celtic a good turn for the moment just to make it look as if they are slightly unbiased.
How exactly?

posted on 24/1/12

Henrik, well they are letting you win games are they no.

posted on 24/1/12


How generous of them

In all honesty, I think the refereeing is getting slightly better, there have not been too many blatantly obvious decisions which have cost either team. You could say the Wallace goal, but originally from where I was sitting I thought that actually hit the post. It was not until I got home and watched the game again on Sky+, but that was magnified, different angle and obviously slow motioned.

posted on 24/1/12

Aye Henrik, don't think we can blame the officials for missing the Wallace effort. The refs do a decent enough job under the most severe scrutiny . I wouldn't have their job .

posted on 24/1/12

No, me either.

posted on 24/1/12

"I think the refereeing is getting slightly better"

Merr penalties last season than any other team on the planet.

posted on 24/1/12

Go on yourself marv! God will see us through this tax case.

posted on 24/1/12

Pashy, you have had more penalties than us this year, and I said the refereeing is getting better. Stop trying to make my point look silly, by taking it completely out of context.

posted on 24/1/12

The refs are great, remember when your team gets beat you can vent you anger with such phrases as...."see that f'n ref"......"what aboot that so and so dressed in black"...."the refs bent"......"a blind man coulda seen that"...."look at the refs second name eh..he's one o them". where would we be without them.

posted on 24/1/12

Suddenly the refs are great when celtic are winning!

posted on 24/1/12

Didn't say they are great, said they are improving.

posted on 24/1/12

Ref was shocking on saturday. Stonewall pen turned down, goal a mile onside chalked off as well as 2 clear corners given the other way.

3 points though

posted on 24/1/12

The refs make mistakes, always have always will just like goalies ,strikers and everybody else on the pitch.

posted on 24/1/12


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