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SSL to stay

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posted on 28/1/12

Now, this really does raise questions.

If SSL is happy to stay and fight for his place... AND Nigel doesn't pull out of the Morgan deal and still wants to buy a centreback, that must mean that either Bamba or Mills are on their way.

My guess would be that potentially something is happening with Bamba that we don't know about. I can imagine a few club sniffing around him.

However, Nigel might withdraw his interest in Morgan or Chester and we end up as you were!

Anyway, who cares - where is this winger we so desperately need!!
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posted on 28/1/12

Good to hear SSL is staying, but like you guys have allready said, it does raise questions as to what ins and out there are going to be at CB. My guess would be that if Blackburn sell Samba, they might look at replacing him with Bamba

posted on 28/1/12


comment by Jobyfox (U4183)

posted on 28/1/12

Maybe it's just the case that Tunchev is not reliable fitness wise so for the next 6 games (or so) we have no cover. Admittedly when Bamba comes back it will be difficult to keep 4 decent quality CB's happy so I'd imagine one of them will go (that's IF we sign Morgan of course).

posted on 28/1/12

I am definitely wooohoooing with Aaron. EXCELLENT news.

posted on 28/1/12

I'm not that excited by the prospect of SSL staying to be honest. Whilst he's had 2 decent games, he's never looked like he'd be a formidable player in this division and he's struggled against height and strength.

He's good back up for me, but that's not good enough for him. As much as I'm not a massive Bamba fan, he is a much more capable player than SSL.

Mills is a class above both of them so unless SSL is now happy to be a squad squad player I'm not convinced.

posted on 28/1/12

Disagree with you Mersey.

I think St Ledger's knowledge of that position is far greater than Bamba's and Mills plays better when SSL is alongside.

I'm not sure that there is time for Bamba to leave (and I suspect Blackburn might be sniffing around again) but if we could get a decent fee for him, I would snap their hands off.

If Sol is leaving (big if) I would be looking for circa £3m for him. Still bring in Morgan as cover (£800k) and then go out and buy two wide men.

posted on 28/1/12

I'm with Aaron , brilliant news

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