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Just thought I'd banish this theory forever

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posted on 24/6/11

It's not so much that they don't invest but that they have put up ticket prices appreciably during their tenure and have taken out some £350 million+ out of the club in interest,management/consultancy fees. Money that otherwise could have been pumped into the club. Luckily for them they have had the best manager in the business in charge and that has enabled MUFC to continue winning trophies. I really subscribe to the theory that if SAF had been manager of any of the top 4 last season he would have won the PL.
The Glazers will profit handsomely when they do relinquish the club!! After all they are business men !

comment by MU_FC (U2522)

posted on 24/6/11

I'm fine with that, I agree they are taking fair bits of money out of the club.

But there are those who believe they haven't spent whatsoever.

I agree on SAF by the way.

posted on 24/6/11

comment by If you must go to work tomorrow well if I were you I wouldn't bother (U6681) posted 3 minutes ago

It's not so much that they don't invest but that they have put up ticket prices appreciably during their tenure
It's not just a United problem ticket increases.

I was maoning back in the early 90s about ticket prices

The Cup scheme is another matter though

We may hate the Glazers but it wasn't them that floated United to allow the Glazers to get control

They are money makers and saw United as an opportunity. Can't blame them, That's what they do.

Sayinthey don't invest in playing staff is wrong though

A higher percentage of turnover is spent on playing staff than it it was with the previous regime

It isn't, and has never been ideal, but the club itself is growing still and for the most part is being run well from what I can see.and what I've read.

I tend to worry more about the pitch than the boardroom however blaming the Glazers for ticket price rises? It happens all over the PL

posted on 24/6/11

True about ticket prices. Arsenal's increases have led to protests and QPR proposed increases are ludicrous.

posted on 24/6/11

Luckily for them they have had the best manager in the business in charge and that has enabled MUFC to continue winning trophies
And I suppose it had nothing to do with the players?

posted on 24/6/11

The thing driving up ticket prices? Player wage costs/demands. Until they get real on this and work on driving it down, it's the punter who has to pay for it.

posted on 24/6/11

johnnybgoode - Of course it had to do with the players as well and I was not referring to the the players. Stop making these throw away comments.
The point I was making was that I truly believe if he had last season managed any of the top 4 he would have won the league with them. Lets face it Chelsea imploded, Arsenal bottled it. United played well at times but it was hardly a classic season and our away record was well below par.

posted on 24/6/11

some £350 million+ out of the club in interest,management/consultancy fees. Money that otherwise could have been pumped into the club

WTF, Which boat did you just sail in on?

Are you soooo stupid to think that had we maintained the staus quo that the Coulmore maffia wouldn't have taken a massive dividend? Maybe a bit less and no debt but don't be such a fud as to think they would have just left all the profits to the club and the players wages

posted on 24/6/11

I didn't for one moment think the whole lot would be reinvested in the club and you don't be soooo
foolish to think they are the best thing since sliced bread!! ANd yes no debt is better than all the debt loaded on the club.! Basics economics and maths son !! back to school!!

posted on 24/6/11

Still Ill

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