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WGS & Mowbray

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posted on 24/6/11

Try and keep a lid on it Berz this upcoming season, Kepp a lid on what?

We are the champions you are the losers and that includes yer manager

posted on 24/6/11


we hate him because, we hate runners up

we DO love champions

wee jessy hate smudger and he hasnt even started his job

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 24/6/11

Win lose or draw Venus, we behave in a sporting manner.

No bullets, bombs or insidious petitions from us.


posted on 24/6/11

Aye but Titanic

As long as he continues to weighs in with a few goals after the split to win the title then we'll all be happy and you, well you'll be beelin again.

posted on 24/6/11

Titanic you probably cream yerself at thoughts like that for next season, but as we all know our players are used to winning and Lennons arent.

We are the champions and wee no pack Lenny aint, the oldest rookie in town is that for the very reason he has learned all that he has had to from the slayer of celtic managers and been involoved in international football which is a different kettle of fish and won the Scottish cup 2 years before Lennon as a rookie.

posted on 24/6/11

Try and keep a lid on it Berz this upcoming season

yea ok we will, if the gargoyle can manage to keep a lid on it so will we

posted on 24/6/11

Hector get a grip wee man!

posted on 24/6/11

if the gargoyle can manage to keep a lid on it so will we

Well, if Rangers fans don't send him bombs and bullets.....

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 24/6/11

Whats up Venus, truth hurt?

Sweep sweep.

posted on 24/6/11

Try and keep a lid on it

Someone should have told wee Neil that up in the Highlands before he sunk his toe into the water bottles..

posted on 24/6/11

What truth Hector. please tell?

posted on 24/6/11

Win lose or draw Venus, we behave in a sporting manner

yea thats right! dallas could have retired yon day at porkheed with the tips that ra dhimms threw at him, a few stiches to the nut, about 5 or 6 difties enter the field of play and of course brendan threw himself off the top teir, lets not for get shuggs windows

thats just one match gringo, shall we go further or do you want to believe the above mince?

posted on 24/6/11

Well, if Rangers fans don't send him bombs and bullets

well we had to try something to make the bottle crash at inverness and of course we needed to make the tranny miss that penalty we sent it mid march, the bottle crashed in early may, took a while but it worked

posted on 24/6/11

The only team that deflects is CFC Hector, we know this the whole world knows this.

I had people who I work with who come from Brazil Canada Mexico etc and because a few of the boys here follow Scottish football became interested in the pollitics and all thought that Lennon came across as a thus

posted on 24/6/11

ment to be thu-g!

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 24/6/11

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 24/6/11

I had people who I work with who come from Brazil Canada Mexico

What? You work for Rentboy International?

posted on 24/6/11

lennon brings it all on himself

simple as

posted on 24/6/11

lennon brings it all on himself

Aye. Challenging a lying referee and a lying referee supervisor means that the only proportionate response is bombs, bullets & death threats.

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 24/6/11

lennon brings it all on himself

Thats my favourite apologist response.

posted on 24/6/11

We fell yer pain Hector. You keep drowning yer sorrows wi yer bottle of Buckie. Salute yer champions

posted on 24/6/11


Sure didn't you even manage to fleck it up when the luxembourgers refereed the game

Comedy gold I tell ya!!

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 24/6/11

Tosh old bean, your spewing out of every cliche from the big book of Rangers bawbaggery just adds to my belief that of all posters on ja you take the halfwit award far too seriously...Its not a real trophy you know!

posted on 24/6/11

aw ah remeber wuz 11 collective bottles crshing in the highlands....we feel yer pain....it really is just too easy. Hopefully next seson there'll be more of a challenge from somebody. I mean we played with half a squad least seson and nae money and still naebody could put up a decent challenge.....

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 24/6/11

No challenge!!!

Where were you last season?

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