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These 35 comments are related to an article called:

Does anyone really care?

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posted on 5/2/12

aha yup, bates out !!!

posted on 5/2/12

THere was an interview with papa earlier this week where he mentioned that 'club' would be put before team building, wtf did he mean by that ?

comment by Mattyp (U8926)

posted on 5/2/12

Err what the hell are you on about?

Did you see how many threads were created on here by people saying who they wanted as manager?

posted on 5/2/12

Mattyp - just beat me to it

posted on 5/2/12

...and it's been less than 4 days since SG was sacked, let's be patient out there!

posted on 5/2/12

imo..redfearn will be there till end of the season, barring any disastrous results...

posted on 5/2/12

..and you've got to think who will work with papa ?...warnock i think has too strong a personality, & would DEMAND things from the board....

posted on 5/2/12

How can anyone see Redfearn in charge until the end of the season when Bates said promotion is a must? If he wasn't serious about promotion, he wouldn't have sacked Grayson, so it stands to reason he did it purely to get someone better in to do the job.

posted on 5/2/12

PD..you don't think it was a publicity stunt to get the fans 'onside' after all the 'bates out' chants ?.....i do

posted on 5/2/12

It's not gonna get them onside by employing an inexperienced caretaker manager for the remainder of the season with the huge gamble things could go t*ts up at any time.

posted on 5/2/12

...but at the same time a chairman wanting promotion wouldn't sell the teams best players without having someone just as good or better to fill in the void....he's not bothered imo......

posted on 5/2/12

if he was serious about promotion he would have sacked Larry befor e the xfer window, Refearn will be here till the end of the season & if we don't go up then easy option for the parasite

posted on 5/2/12

Classic mistake of assuming the 15 or so people on this website are in any way representative of the club's fans.

Few care. Yes there is some slight interest in who it will eventually be, but the majority have given up on the club until that man has gone.

LUFC will go nowhere other than downwards while he is here

posted on 5/2/12

Then what was the point of sacking Grayson at all?

posted on 5/2/12

PD exactly buddy, bates is capable of anything he dosn't even know what he will do from 1 min to the next

comment by Sol (U2745)

posted on 5/2/12

"Classic mistake of assuming the 15 or so people on this website are in any way representative of the club's fans."

Why waste your time posting on here then?

posted on 5/2/12

Obviously some are willing to work with Bates, Antic is the first to come out and say he has applied.

posted on 5/2/12

bless him has he any idea what bates is about tho? i think not

posted on 5/2/12

My point is surely Grayson's sacking was done for a purpose. Forget about the timing of it, just the fact he actually sacked him says to me he'd seen enough. That also says to me he wants an improvement and to get that, he will get a better manager in this season. If he sticks with Redfearn for the rest of the season, then it just makes Grayson's sacking look pointless.

posted on 5/2/12

In answer to the question in the Article- Yes.

posted on 5/2/12

easy option out for him i'd say....& any chairman worth his salt wouldn't announce the fact that he wanted promotion for the fans.....that should be a given, but he deemed it necessary to say something in public.....it will end up biting him in the arsenal...

posted on 5/2/12

Bates sacking Grayson then leaving Redfearn in charge for the rest of the season is like the equivolent of having an average-paid job, quitting the job, promising to get a better job, then just sit at home all day watching TV.

posted on 5/2/12

bates is all about spending f3ck all

posted on 5/2/12

always has been always will be, he spends our money not his own, he only takes & never gives

posted on 5/2/12

i did post that bates would sack larry like a dog if were were not in the top 6 after crimbo & tadah there ya go. larry had his chance with the little given to him & paid the price in bates' eyes. its the blame larry game bates is never wrong

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