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patrick barclay

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posted on 7/2/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 7/2/12

Right, first of all, we realise that this isn't about hillsborough.
Secondly, he purposely accussed that individual of something tragic that happened due to a minority of fans. Basically saying that because he supported Liverpool, it was him who was there that night.
All of this, just to win an argument..

posted on 7/2/12

No, he was flippantly using the event to abuse one Liverpool fan. It was not sensible at all.

And if you knew anything about the event, you would know that the Juve fans started the riot, it was just unfortunate they had a crumbling wall on their side. It could easily have been 39 liverpool fans killed.

posted on 7/2/12


Polykhor - thanks for the clarity - wasnt required, but thanks.

posted on 7/2/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 7/2/12

Brave heart
Seriously mate.
Not here.

posted on 7/2/12

comment by BraveheartTyke (U6173)
posted 33 seconds ago
last night i was sleeping under a bridge

now im on the finest ship in the world sipping champagne with you fine people

Dont start with your boring titanic rubbish again.


posted on 7/2/12

I think everyone is aware he was talking about Heysel.

The problem with the comment is that he brought it up out of nowhere to have a pop at a Liverpool fan who was discussing a completely unrelated matter. In other words, he was using the dead to score points. Very low.

This coming from a United fan btw.

posted on 7/2/12

British Virgin Islands.

posted on 7/2/12

Pretty obvious he was talking about Heysel. The context he was using his comment in is worse than it would have been if he was talking about Hillsbrough. The guy is a clown and should be sacked!

posted on 7/2/12

I think if you look at it in principle it's just as bad as the guy accusing him of taking murdoch's cash

but yeah didn't do himself any favours by bringing up heysel

don't think he should have to resign though, free speech n that, and I don't really think he was having a go at the people who died, more at the people who caused the deaths tbh

posted on 7/2/12

if this is what happens when journos actually say something sensible they might as well stick to their usual drivel


This can be up for debate as to whether this was offensive (in my opinion, completely offensive) however, there is no argument that what he said was not sensible.

posted on 7/2/12


posted on 7/2/12

I don't really think he was having a go at the people who died, more at the people who caused the deaths tbh


posted on 7/2/12

if this is what happens when journos actually say something sensible they might as well stick to their usual drivel


This can be up for debate as to whether this was offensive (in my opinion, completely offensive) however, there is no argument that what he said was not sensible.


it's only insesitive because people are taking it the wrong way. before people actually take the sentence in they already assume he's mocking the dead so they don't even bother

it's not what you say that counts, but how it's translated that does. it's not his fault, the majority of football fans have as many brain cells as they have feet

posted on 7/2/12

If you guys all seem to know that he was talking about heysel, and the villains who caused the incident why do you find it all so offensive? all he did was take what a liverpool fan said to him and put it the other way round

I bet if it was frankie boyle taking the pi$$ out of a school for people with down syndrome you'd all be laughing your heads off though

comment by 8bit (U2653)

posted on 7/2/12

there's some things you just don't joke about, to bring that up as a petty comeback shows no social awareness whatsoever, and for a journalist I'd say you would need a bit of that. Sorry polykhor but you're chatting rubbish.

posted on 7/2/12

polykhor are you for real, he was using the actions of a bunch of morons over 20 years ago to point score against fans that had nothing to do with it. It would be like me walking up to some random German guy and blaming him for world war 2

posted on 7/2/12

I intend to write a strongly worded letter of complaint to White Star Liners.

posted on 7/2/12

Frankie boyles a comedian and if he had brought up heysel or hillsborough or the munich crash, he would be lynched by the internet mob too, if you are in the public eye you need to be smart as to what your limits are.

posted on 7/2/12

Also i think you are just being a To$ser because Liverpool fans are annoyed if this was aimed at your sect i am sure you would not have put your "thoughts" forward as such.

posted on 7/2/12

Also, he's a journalist. Surely he must have known he would have upset a few people.
I bet he was feeling so smug when he thought of that one.
Also, if he thinks that what he did was acceptable, then why did he feel the need to remove the comment?

posted on 7/2/12

argh I'm just annoyed how you can only talk about these incedents like they are sacred, it stops people from being open which turns into things like stadiums with terraces coming back into football even though health and safety has improve a hell of a lot since hillsbrough which I find very regressive

and fine, I guess blaming all pool fans for heysel is kinda wrong, but I also don't think it's ok to go round hounding people just because they've been paid by murdoch indirectly

posted on 7/2/12

One thing I've never understood is the people who weren't personally involved either directly or indirectly in something (could be anything, not just this) who act like they were out of some misguided martyrdom complex.

In the end these people must have some major personal issue that they're transferring onto another event that has &*(0 all to do with them.

They need help.

posted on 7/2/12

Paddybarclaytw@t authorised champion of the victims of tragedy. In his own mind. For every reason other than the victims themselves. He never gave a monkey's and never will. His crusade is about him and no one else.

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