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Redknapp or Dalglish

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comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 8/2/12

Every team's fans has a small pocket of morons. It's just a shame you've got one sitting in your dugout



posted on 8/2/12

King Chronic

classic comedy coming from a scouser



At what point did Gerrard realise he'd got his free kick after Parker's foul, before, during or after 10 back, side & forward rolling?

And Paisley, can you tell us what is racist about washing elephants?

posted on 8/2/12

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posted on 8/2/12


Adebayor found that song racist


Well i find the fact you find it racist, actually racist.

Are you suggesting that all zoo keepers etc are of a certain race?

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 8/2/12

yes indeed. there are lots of white zoo keepers throughout the world.

and also looooads of white people in africa. there are also elephants in india. who washes them? maybe they go without those poor poor elephants

posted on 8/2/12

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posted on 8/2/12

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posted on 8/2/12


Thing is with trying to create a siege mentality is its only effective when you're actually any good. Outsiders will look at it and say "I see what they are doing there, good psychology, and kudos to them for going for it" On the other hand when your average like current LFC and Kenneth it comes across as petty and small minded.

I really don't care what you did in the 1980s, time to realise that you are not as great as you think you are and act accordingly.

We just dee what we dee.... we're Liverpool fitball club

posted on 8/2/12

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posted on 8/2/12

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posted on 8/2/12

Harry and spurs are a good fit. Both are happy with a cup in every ten years or so.

posted on 8/2/12


posted on 8/2/12


Did Adebayor find that song racist, yes or no?


I'm not sure, i haven't asked him.

Plus i dont think its down to an individual to decide what's racist or what isn't, we need to judge what's being said.

If you say "Harry is tactically inept" would it be fair for Harry to call you a racist on the basis he feels what you said was racist towards him?

Of course not.

As i say, the only "racism" in regard to that song is the fact people think its racist.

At worst, its mocking his family's way of life & poverty, but there is not one racist word in it.

posted on 8/2/12

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posted on 8/2/12

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posted on 8/2/12


Well in an interview that was pretty well documented, he said it was racist, and if he finds it racist, as the person being sung about I'd say that is a pretty good barometer about whether it can be deemed racist or not. It doesn't factually make it racist, but he isn't the only person that did find it racist. So once again, who are you, or anyone else to say it definitely isn't racist?


So are you saying that anybody can claim they find anything racist, as long as they say it is, even though race hasn't been brought into it at all?

That is a very strange way to look at things.

To be fair, this is a really strange debate to have with a fan of a club, who's star player has just come back from being found guilty of racism & a manger who condones racism.

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 8/2/12

To be fair, this is a really strange debate to have with a fan of a club, who's star player has just come back from being found guilty of racism & a manger who condones racism.


also the same club who's fans did monkey gesture at evra, racially abused that oldham player, and had mr negrito on the back of their shirt at a game.

silly scousers

posted on 8/2/12

okay, heres one for you: we (THFC) won the first Double of modern times with what many experts label the greatest English Club team in history whilst you were scabbing around getting beat by Rotherham United in the Second Division, and that fact has about as much relevance to 8 February 2012 as all the pots and pans you won while Maggie Thatcher was still in 10 Downing St.

All I ever hear from you lot is that you deserve to be fighting for the league, you deserve to be in the CL final, you deserve to have referees favouring you, you deserve to never have your manager, fans or players questioned, as your Liverpool fitball club.

posted on 8/2/12

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comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 8/2/12

harry redknapps blue and white armyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

thought he was off to prison

cmon you spurssssssssssss

posted on 8/2/12

You're Spurs, erm, 3/0? Who cares, you haven't won a major trophy in 50 odd years

Yet you Liverpool fans are banging on about being in the same cup final which we won not too long ago and getting wet over it

posted on 8/2/12

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posted on 8/2/12

Liverpool's new catchphrase:

The past was bright, the past was orange.

posted on 8/2/12

"harry redknapps blue and white armyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"


Let's be honest.

That should read..

harry redknapps racist armyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

Small club with a small mentality................

posted on 8/2/12

Oooh check out how bitter 'Sir Robert Paisley' is....

Suarez = guilty.

Harry = innocent.


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