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These 90 comments are related to an article called:

Harry cleared of all charges

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posted on 8/2/12

England job can fook off!!!

Spurs > England

comment by Spurtle (U1608)

posted on 8/2/12

The FA wouldn't be silly enough to get rid of the manager so close to a tournament would they? Can't see it happeneing.

posted on 8/2/12

"Chris Martin of HMRC says "no regrets" about case and accepts verdict."

No appeal either!

posted on 8/2/12

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posted on 8/2/12

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posted on 8/2/12

Money for schools & hospitals 0 - 1 Harry's back pocket

posted on 8/2/12

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posted on 8/2/12

Mr Chelsea maybe they should take the lead detective to court for wasting public money.

posted on 8/2/12


FACT !!!

posted on 8/2/12

Yeah. Pointless taking this to court over 200 bloody grand when global corporations are getting away with not paying billions in tax.

posted on 8/2/12

all hinged on whether payments were a "gift" or for "services rendered" relating to his job as POmpey manager. The prosecution case seemed to rely heavily on what Harry told some $cumbag reporter from the discredited NOTW.
Now I wouldn't go so far as to call Harry "honest as the day is long" but if its his word against NOTW I know where my money would be.

posted on 8/2/12

Well said Mr Chelsea

I wonder how much this case cost us?

posted on 8/2/12

The entire court case was probably double what the HRMC were trying to claim...

Only to find he was not guilty anyway.

Good ol' Britain.

posted on 8/2/12

five-year £8 million police investigation which failed to yield a single conviction.

What a joke and waste of time.

posted on 8/2/12


posted on 8/2/12

Expect a book in the style of O. J. Simpson; If I Did It, Here's How It Happened. Mind it will probably be written in crayon.

posted on 8/2/12

I don't know why they even went after Harry anyway, as Mr Chelsea said the court costs easily outweigh the amount he supposedly owed in tax.

There are far bigger fish to fry in terms of non paid tax.

posted on 8/2/12

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posted on 8/2/12

"Pointless taking this to court over 200 bloody grand when global corporations are getting away with not paying billions in tax"

The PR aspect of it is good (Arry is high-profile) , conviction or not.
But in the current economic climate, not as much on the mind of / big a scalp to the public as say the Vodafone / Phillip Green tax avoidance matters.

posted on 8/2/12

Same can be said about the court costs incurred. Had they let him be, there would be more money for schools & hospitals

posted on 8/2/12


I'm in that third !!!

posted on 8/2/12

The PR aspect of it is good (Arry is high-profile)
thats all it was. they wanted to nab someone famous. how thick are the hmrc really? they pick on little businesses for unpaid tax, nic and vat and send pointless letters everyday but fail to clamp down on the big companies who get away without paying billions in tax

posted on 8/2/12

G00n fans will be burning down Chronics' office.

posted on 8/2/12


posted on 8/2/12

"At this exact moment Mafia and Arsenal fans are punching walls"

Not Mich. The stalker centre has padded cells.

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