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Ticket Prices Scandal at LUFC

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posted on 9/2/12

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posted on 9/2/12

Totally agree.

Ticketing policy at LUFC is a disgrace. No incentive for the young fans to go.

comment by Cozer : (U2825)

posted on 9/2/12

Just stop going, he'll soon push off if he's losing money. is or

posted on 9/2/12

so what do we do BON ?

whats your answer to solve this Bates as the chairman??

comment by AZA (U5000)

posted on 9/2/12

A Bullet between the eyes.

posted on 9/2/12

AZA legally of course

posted on 9/2/12

AND a £50 voucher to spend in the club shop

You can get a mug and a pen for that

comment by AZA (U5000)

posted on 9/2/12

I mean if we randomly shoot into the sky and it happens to hit a plane arriving from Monaco.......

posted on 9/2/12

I see AZA, what are the odds though....

BON's answer is too boycott ER?? surley not??

comment by AZA (U5000)

posted on 9/2/12

With an engraved bullet that says..."you can dodge tax but can you dodge this?" I'd say my chances are quite high.

posted on 9/2/12

whats Harry Redknapp got to do with this?

posted on 9/2/12

Bates probably does the simple calculation that even if he only sells half that number that Derby sell he has still made more money. He doesn't acknowledge the place a football club has is in the community. He can rely on 20,000 die hards turning up come what may and sees these as a market to be exploited.

Leeds like Derby have suffered from awful management hence their position in the championship. Leeds, with it's large fan base, if managed properly should be top half of the Premiership. Derby should be mid table. I cannot see either club realising their potential with their current owners.

comment by AZA (U5000)

posted on 9/2/12

He'll be firing it as B***s has never been to court recently because of it.

I agree with a Boycott, imagine just ONE game where only 5K turned up?

comment by (U2231)

posted on 9/2/12

Love the whites.
But the club are not getting a penny out of me till bates has gone..

posted on 9/2/12


what would that achieve though other than dimoralising the team that play on that day? - do that for loads of games and we'll be selling more players to cover the shortfall ??

posted on 9/2/12

I heard Ken Bates bases his tickets prices on supporters I.Q.s, the higher the I.Q. the lower the ticket price.

How much is he trying to charge you lot again???

<smoking a cigar and making smoking circles smiley>

<whilst laughing at you smiley>

comment by AZA (U5000)

posted on 9/2/12

We are in the Championship, we have a few players worth something plus Snodgrass.

15k reduction would mean losing 450K a match PLUS all other associated merchandise. Just run him out of the club. Some of you may completely despair at what I am about to say, I'd settle for that happening, relegation and a better owner. I think it's a sure thing we'll get Redfearn as manager, win 3/4 Bates will say it's a Master Stroke, lose a few and we'll be too far off the playoffs so he'll say there's no point getting someone until summer as we won't go down.

posted on 9/2/12

Tusc - you may not like my answer, but the fans are boycotting already.

They have already stopped spending on matchdays. Average attendances have gone down 5000 in one year (much much more than anywhere else, bioth in absolute terms and in percentage terms). I don't know any ST holders that are renewing.

This is not an ideological standpoint of "and what is your solution?"

This is the reality of the situation. People are leaving in droves and will not return until he has gone.

We will not be promoted this year but we will still be top 10. Just like derby.

Difference is, they will sell out their ground every match with ST holders, and we will be lucky to scrape 17000 average.

Then less and less every year, meaning even less chance of prmotion cos of less money into the club.

Bates is wrong for our club because he is killing it. The majority can no longer afford to go; the choice has been removed from them. It's not a boycott, this is a lock out already.

And it's just the rich, all is rosy, brigade like you that are content with the situation. You are part of the problem, not the solution. You keep him here and justify him Tusc.

I would like to see him go so that someone can come in, produce realistic prices, and fill the ground again. We will still be just as successful - ie, not at all.

posted on 9/2/12

Colbi, thats naughty.....

....well done, carry on.

posted on 9/2/12

BON.... I am not justifying it at all, I don't like Bates, nor do I like seeing ER half empty / half full...... I'm just saying boycotting can't be the answer

Why do you keep hammering the rich though... you've just put the blame on people who can afford to go to the football really?

I've been through this before BON that's why I have a stronge feeling about boycotting..... read up on Fiorentina... and our fall from grace..

You have to get over the rich thing mate, It's hardly my fault you can't afford to watch your team play is it??

also, if you only joined on the 05th Feb, how do you know my financial situation, or that I fly my family to Italy, Ive not said anything along those lines for ages??

You have re-invented yourself on here, which is a liars trait, just like your corperate boxes lie thread the other day...

one thing is, Mr Bates, will never stop me enjoying a football match do I like him? No, but does he get to me like he gets to you? No.....

for somebody who doesn't like him you talk about him enough mate

posted on 9/2/12

"You have re-invented yourself on here, which is a liars trait,"

Now there's a supposition and a generalisation.

And how are Fiorentina doing now?

As i've stated, it's not a boycott, it's a lockout. Only the rich (and those without any commitments) can afford to go. And while they continue to line his pockets, he will continue to fleece them.

But they can afford not to complain.

Football is the working man's game. Except at ER.

posted on 9/2/12

And how are Fiorentina doing now?


mid table ish Serie A thanks for asking


Football is the working man's game. Except at ER.


Its the peoples game it's not for any sort of class

you have to get this obsession with the rich out of your head, it will send you mad BON BON

posted on 9/2/12


an article you just made up BON... a liars trait signore

posted on 9/2/12

Tusc - you sound like one of the rich happy Tunisians who were happy while 95% of the population suffered. You really are part of the problem, not the solution.


said to me on a different thread

All 606ers.... it's all my fault notes Bates's its my fault becuase I have a few quid, I'm making Bates sell Howson and the likes it's all my fault

posted on 9/2/12

You do like to big yourself up don't you Tusc? Not a very good trait, that. Smacks of arrogance, aloofness, narcissism.

But insignificant all the same. And that's what irks, isn't it?

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