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posted on 15/2/12

Koscielny > Vermaelan

I worry about Verm's positioning in the middle tonight. His positioning allowed Ibra to score twice against us for Barcelona 2 years ago.

posted on 15/2/12

His positioning allowed Ibra to score twice against us for Barcelona 2 years ago.

That had little to do with TV and more to do with the repositioning when Song went back to CB.

posted on 15/2/12

Verm is going to start left back again. Song is going to be an emergency CB, I think.

posted on 15/2/12

Verm is going to start left back again. Song is going to be an emergency CB, I think.


No chance; Verm at CB, Gibbs at LB

posted on 15/2/12

I remember when the OP used to try and have a go at me for sticking up for Koscielny. He even made a few articles criticising me.

He must feel pretty stupid now.

posted on 15/2/12

Kamran - The difference is that, I criticse when it is due. The article even alludes to his difficult first year when he made loads of mistakes and costs us many points and not forgetting the CC. So know I don't feel stupid just vindicated. I am a fair fan I am prepared to change my views based on players performance not like some fans who just can't get it through their thick skulls. Anyway pay attention in class, story time is probably on getting started before lunch.

posted on 15/2/12

But he didn't make lots of mistakes last season. He made 3 or 4 mistakes in 40+ appearances. That's less than the likes of Vidic, Terry, Ferdinand etc.

The fact that you made articles about me for supporting a player sums you up. A classless plastic.

Now go ahead and delete this comment like you usually do.

posted on 15/2/12

No you weren't supporting him you were bigging him up when he was flopping all over the place!

I never delete comments you waste of space, you call me a plastic yet you don't go to games and probably don't even have sky sports, but instead rely on choppy streams on the net! No wonder your perception of reality is distorted...just like your streams. No put that in your pipe...

posted on 15/2/12

"No you weren't supporting him you were bigging him up when he was flopping all over the place!"

When was he all over the place? Tell me 3 or 4 bad games he's had.

"I never delete comments you waste of space, you call me a plastic yet you don't go to games and probably don't even have sky sports, but instead rely on choppy streams on the net! No wonder your perception of reality is distorted...just like your streams. No put that in your pipe..."

So now you're resorting to lying? Don't make me look through your old account's history and embarrass you even further. You always delete comments.

No, I don't go to many games because I'm a student and I rarely have enough money to pay for games - but I don't see how that makes me a plastic? I haven't missed an Arsenal game in 3 years. And what does me having skysports have to do with being a plastic you idiot?

I suggest you quit while you're only marginally behind, it'll save you from making yourself look like an even bigger idiot than you already are.

posted on 15/2/12

So now you're resorting to lying? Don't make me look through your old account's history and embarrass you even further. You always delete comments.


feel free show me these examples..

posted on 15/2/12

"feel free show me these examples.."


There, it took my 1 minute to find one. I'm sure there's many more.

Well done on ignoring the rest of the points I made btw

posted on 15/2/12

One article in all my posting history! Well done son gold star for you..

I don't have time to respond to your points, some people actually work for a living.

posted on 15/2/12

"One article in all my posting history! Well done son gold star for you.."

Not, it's not one article, it's just an example. It took me 1 minute to find, I'm sure there's plenty more.

And since when do I get gold stars for proving idiots wrong?

"I don't have time to respond to your points, some people actually work for a living."

Why don't you just say 'Yes Kamran, I was wrong like I always am. I've lost this argument because I can't back up my points. I apologise for wasting your time'? It would make things much easier and it'll help you avoid embarrassing yourself again in the future.

Also, I am aware that people work for a living. Some people even get paid for being absolute idiots, you being a perfect example.

Don't run your mouth in the future if you can't back your points up

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