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✔ FT: Milan 4-0 Arsenal Match Thread ✔

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posted on 15/2/12

Vermaelen should stay from CB positions...

posted on 15/2/12

Why bring dj on? Shouldve moved song to def gien how sht he is in mf, and get coq

posted on 15/2/12


posted on 15/2/12


comment by $ka (U3522)

posted on 15/2/12

'we've dominated the game Keith, it's been a smash and grab.'

Has it really? I've been busy wasting away my life on FIFA.

posted on 15/2/12

Leave Vermaelen alone!!!!

posted on 15/2/12

Bring on Chamberlain or even Arshavin for fking Ramsey PLEASE

posted on 15/2/12

Were gonna draw 2-2 apparently.

posted on 15/2/12

Djourou is a lucky boy to get away with that.

posted on 15/2/12

Please bring on Ox !!! We need him..we need more pace and penetration !

posted on 15/2/12

If I was the manager I would have started coquelin ahead of ramsey.

comment by 8bit (U2653)

posted on 15/2/12

Has it really? I've been busy wasting away my life on FIFA.


no, we've had out pants pulled down

posted on 15/2/12

The scoreline is bad enough to be embarrassing but not quite bad enough for you to give up all hope for the return game, one more goal should kill off all hope.

posted on 15/2/12

Why bring dj on? Shouldve moved song to def gien how sht he is in mf, and get coq

posted on 15/2/12

We have no movement what so ever. That is what Milan really like. Milan must not move. They are relaxed on the ball and can wait on our mistakes. We are so predictable. On top of that. We havent got any chance o score so far.

posted on 15/2/12


posted on 15/2/12

Vermalaen biggest over-hyped player ever.

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 15/2/12

The saddest thing is, this is Thierry's final appearance.

posted on 15/2/12

Ibrahamovic looks like a bloody gypsy

posted on 15/2/12

almost 4-0

comment by $ka (U3522)

posted on 15/2/12

Well if it makes you feel any better, i've been spanking the living daylights out of teams with Genoa.

comment by 8bit (U2653)

posted on 15/2/12


posted on 15/2/12

I'm seeing signs that Milan are being worn down by our panicked goose strategy......I'm expecting big things soon.

posted on 15/2/12

Antonini is crap.

posted on 15/2/12

well after going out of the C.L tonight and the FA Cup on Saturday hopefully Wenger will resign . He is totally useless and our 4th place in the PL is just flattering . I will be surprised if we finish higher than 6th .

We need a new coach with new tactics. Someone who can motivate these players.

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