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I miss Cesc :((((((

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posted on 16/2/12

It hurts to see him on the bench for barca . They didn't need him and they got him on the cheap to.

posted on 16/2/12

Wenger has thrown him into the deep end..

Do hope he cant swim..

posted on 16/2/12

His gone and his most probably never coming back we need to move on pull yourself together men.

posted on 16/2/12

How can we move on when we see players like Ramsey in his place, the guy is just not good enough for Arsenal.

posted on 16/2/12

Well what do you suppose we have do?

posted on 16/2/12

Well what do you suppose we have do?

Spend some of the money we made on selling our best players.

posted on 16/2/12

Get the deadwood out and spend some money on quality?

posted on 16/2/12

Why aren't all our young players as good as Cesc was!!!

posted on 16/2/12

Easier said than done, and not likely to happen anytime soon going on past records.

posted on 16/2/12

It's not easier said than done, it's a very stubborn delusional manager that won't pay over the odds for a player of real quality. He can folk out nearly 20 mill for mert and Arteta who haven't exactly set the league alight which could of gone towards, Parker, Mata ect.

posted on 16/2/12

Cesc is not on the bench, he plays regularly. He'll probably break down again if he plays all the time anyway.
Cesc is happy, he will probably win the Copa and CL and he doesn't miss Arsenal, so please get over it and move on!

posted on 16/2/12

Well Cesc was on the bench v Osasuna the last game I saw, he would start everygame for us. Iniesta was injured to, so obviously Cesc would play.

posted on 16/2/12

I still can't believe Ramsey is being dismissed as deadwood. The bloke's 21. And he's actually been ok for us this season - he's a much more creative influence than Rosicky, Benayoun or Arshavin. He makes mistakes, but when we are playing badly he looks like the one who might make something happen. Better that than being anonymous like some of our team are.

posted on 16/2/12

on the bench?

lol he starts most games

posted on 16/2/12


Cesc was 21, Wilshere is 20, both much better than Ramsey, he's not good enough for us. If we settle for players like him, Wel go nowhere.

posted on 16/2/12

Cesc hasn't started every game for Barca like Xavi and Iniesta would, he's a luxury player for them. To us, he was everything, our engine, playmaker ect.

posted on 16/2/12

I'm not just picking on Ramsey. Rosicky , Walcott, Arshavin , Chamkah, park just get rid I say.

comment by 8bit (U2653)

posted on 16/2/12


posted on 16/2/12


posted on 16/2/12

mayb wilshere should get plastic surgery to look like Cesc

posted on 16/2/12

posted on 16/2/12

Cesc hasn't started every game for Barca like Xavi and Iniesta would, he's a luxury player for them. To us, he was everything, our engine, playmaker ect.
It's a myth that Cesc is being benched, he isn't. Pep is rotating his team plus Cesc was overused for us so was more injury prone. He has so far had only 2-3 weeks out which is a vast improvement from last year!
I think you will see that Cesc has played more than Xavi, Iniesta, Pedro and David Villa.

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