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These 33 comments are related to an article called:

We Welcome The Chase..

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comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 27/6/11

Did you know how RIZLA came to be known?

Riz from the rice paper originally used and the guy who set up the company was called La Croix, the cross hence the wee cross after the name.
So its RIZ..La +...

More interesting than the ops bluster.

posted on 27/6/11

hector the deflector

posted on 27/6/11

It's not looking good for celtic with lennon in charge.

1 domestic trophy out of 5 is dreadful for an Old Firm manager.

posted on 27/6/11


Dont you realise that it is types like you and their inability to grasp the real context of reality that sees your team the world Record runners up?

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 27/6/11

The reality of the situation marty is that its close season, nowts happening except Rangers being rejected by all and sundry.

But don't worry, Celtic will dominate these pages in the next few days once our lucrative trip down under gets underway ad I'll expect you and your ilk to have an opinion on how things pan out down there.

posted on 27/6/11

Instead of blurbing on about Rangers and the taxman... Administration... Firesales.... Squad not big enough etc etc.... and now Craig Whyte before the Season has even started ...... Why dont you assemble a Team that can consistently win Trophies like Rangers do?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------How the f**k do the supporters do that? C'mon we'll go tell Lenny to go and buy Shay Given, a quality centre back, Jay Bothroyd etc.

posted on 27/6/11


Do you realise that the time you took to think up that insightful post, then type and send, will be time you will never ever get back, ever?

posted on 27/6/11

Albert doesn't do irony

posted on 27/6/11

nowts happening except Rangers being rejected by all and sundry.

But we are still the Champs, what spectacular new signings has Lennon made
That is my point. dont sit waiting for us to slip up.

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 27/6/11

Nothings happening because we are still on a plane.

posted on 27/6/11


How the f**k do the supporters do that? C'mon we'll go tell Lenny to go and buy Shay Given, a quality centre back, Jay Bothroyd etc.


You never heard of the carpark?

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 27/6/11

You never heard of the carpark?

The one Ellis wants to develop?

posted on 27/6/11

comment by Hector (U3606)
posted 58 seconds ago
You never heard of the carpark?

The one Ellis wants to develop?


Its not going to be a carpark...it will be an extension for our trophy room.

And thats about all the effort im puttung into that one

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 27/6/11

What effort?

posted on 27/6/11

Try and make an effort sticking to the topic Mr Deflector.

Where's are all your new signings?

posted on 27/6/11


We have signed two players, and I'm sure there will be more. Why can't you save us all a lot of typing and just tell us you hate us?

posted on 27/6/11

You signed two players? WOW

So have we!

posted on 27/6/11

This weakens your original thread as you asked what we were doing to win back the title.

posted on 27/6/11

Ah Martpool, another one who cares more about the famous Glasgow Celtic than his own team! I bet you tell everyone you went to Saville too!

posted on 27/6/11

Celtic obsession again, martpool

posted on 27/6/11

Albert mate, you have signed umpteen players in the last 3 Seasons.... it hasnt done Celtic much good though.

posted on 27/6/11

Then why the obsession? Why the worry?

posted on 27/6/11

Albert mate, you have signed umpteen players in the last 3 Seasons.... it hasnt done Celtic much good though.
What about Rangers? You seem so obsessed with Celtic.

posted on 27/6/11

comment by the-celtic-bhoy-67 (U6171)
posted 20 seconds ago
Albert mate, you have signed umpteen players in the last 3 Seasons.... it hasnt done Celtic much good though.
What about Rangers? You seem so obsessed with Celtic.

How so?

Am I not allowed to voice an opiion on here?

posted on 27/6/11

Am I allowed a reply?

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