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United Fan In Peace r.e. Cesc

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comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 28/6/11

A united fan talking about despicable human beings? Rooney "prossies" Giggs "brothers wife" wow what upstanding morally superior people you are at man u, wasn't evra quoted as telling Nasri he would be better off joining man u?

Biggest hypocrite o the day award goes to....... Wait for it......sneijder!!

Congratulations for ignoring your own team an trash talking others that's the man u way

posted on 28/6/11

Arsenal fan in peace

why don't Arsenal lodge an official complaint? I know Barca are UEFA's darlings/love child/baby but why don't Arsenal force the issue?
you never realized that we are very much like husband and wife. The husband is to love his wife and the wife is to respect her husband. So we shouldn't complain. It's we fans always complaining them about the comments they give now and then. I don't think there could be big complaint on both parties. Nothing went wrong yet.

posted on 28/6/11

OP is right. Utd made a complaint to Fifa/Uefa regarding the ronaldo situation. The following summer Utd got 80Mil...

wenger get the finger owt

posted on 28/6/11

UEFA do nothing because it is Barcelona the paragons of virtue, who can do no wrong - and Cesc "has Barca DNA" . Also it is an English club being stiffed so they don't care. If Arsenal were to try the same ttactics against Barca I'm certain it would be a different story

posted on 28/6/11

Surely this consitutes unsettling a player, so why do UEFA do nothing about it? And more to the point, why don't Arsenal lodge an official complaint? I know Barca are UEFA's darlings/love child/baby but why don't Arsenal force the issue? Could end up working in your favour, with Arsene agreeing to drop the complaint if Barca pay a higher transfer fee...

Unfortunately talking to the press is against any rules. Doing it so blatantly is annoying, tedious, some clubs would even consider it immoral... but it's not against any rules, so we can't report them for breaking any rules.

We could only report them if it could be proved that official from the club have spoken to him without first having been given permission by arsenal. Unfortunately players who are his friends don't count as officials.

posted on 28/6/11

*talking to the press is NOT against any rules* is obviously what i meant

posted on 28/6/11

Oh dear, how ironic that a City fan accuses another club of being despicable?! Hounding a player (Sanchez) who has made it perfectly clear he doesn't want to play for you?
Any way, in a personal sense, Rooney and Giggs are despicable but I'm talking purely football matters. And yes, Evra was wrong too. Football used to be a gentleman's game and it sickens me what it's turning into. Underhanded, no morals, all driven by money.
So whoever the club is, if they want a player they should do it the right way, with representatives of the other club and the only time it should be on the media is when the deal is complete or falls through. Never going to happen but it's nice to dream..

posted on 28/6/11

*in the media.

posted on 28/6/11

why don't Arsenal lodge an official complaint?

Easy. We are used to this nonsense every year.

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 28/6/11

Sniedjer, how are city hounding him? We have approached the club directly not made comments like man u do in the press! Typical rag talking rubbish!

posted on 28/6/11

Football used to be a gentleman's game and it sickens me what it's turning into.

It still is a gentlemen's game. The problem is that it's now played mostly by snot-nosed chavvy little oikes. As the saying goes, Rugby is a thug's game played by gentlemen and football is a gentlemen's game played by thugs.

Unfortunately there are very few players in the game that even understand the meaning of the word gentleman, let alone know how to behave like one. I agree with you that it's a disgrace but there's little or nothing that can be done about it. On the whole, "Class", left football a long time ago (and I mean class, not money, there are plenty of classy poor people in this world). The scuzzy remnants that are the likes of the conduct we now see are all that's left.

One of the things that made/makes Titi so popular was the class with which he handled and conducted himself (yes there was the world cup incident but that aside). The consumate gentleman. Alas though, he is a mere drop of class in an ocean of slime.

posted on 28/6/11

It still is a gentlemen's game. The problem is that it's now played mostly by snot-nosed chavvy little oikes. As the saying goes, Rugby is a thug's game played by gentlemen and football is a gentlemen's game played by thugs.

posted on 28/6/11

The reports that Barca are urging Cesc to refuse to return for pre-season training are worrying to say the least - especially as the club have yet to refute the claims!

We understand that Barca want Cesc and Cesc wants Barca, but just because the two seem to be like glove and hand, they have to understand that Arsenal are the arm that controls both. We want £40m which is a reasonable expectation. I believe £38m would be enough to do business though. If Andy Carroll warrants a £35m move after 6 months of Premier league football, then how do Barca value a player with 8yrs domestic and european experience that currently holds a World Cup winners medal at anything less?

I am sick of the media hype surrounding this scenario and will be glad to see the back of Fabregas. He was a poor choice as captain and I see his failings, lack of form, Barca overtures and repetitive injuries as a detrimental force last season. We need a strong leader - and that is NOT Fabregas. As long as we keep him at the club he will continue for captain. As long as we keep him as captain we will win NOTHING!

He is an excellent player and has given us 8yrs of service which I am grateful for, but our game revolves around him and that's not healthy. Ricardo Alvarez would be a welcome addition, but i fear we'll be outbid by Inter who are desperate to make an impact signing after announcing their new manager.

Juan Mata and Gervinho though? Why would we need both? Does this suggest to me that Nasri is likely to be on his way out too. The loss of Fabregas would take some readjusting but to lose Nasri this summer too would mean we start the new season as an unknown quanity (considering Clichy is off too).

Barcelona should be fined heavily and warned about their future conduct - they may be the media darlings and UEFA's mistress, but for all the wonderful football they are playing and winning admirers, they are also alienating themselves and forcing detractors. I wonder what their charity UNICEF make of all the underhand tactics currently being deployed by Rosell and Co?

posted on 28/6/11

here is my laughter. Today people have sprayed a lot of Nitrous oxide

posted on 28/6/11

Barcelona should be fined heavily and warned about their future conduct
on what charges?

posted on 28/6/11

City are hounding him by continually upping your bid, which is making Udinese pressure him in to signing for you when he doesn't want to come anywhere near you.
How would you feel if he did, under pressure, sign for you, knowing he doesn't really want to be there?

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 28/6/11

How you know all this is beyond me, the player will decide if he wants to come, god you are pathetic, if city sign him cool if not I won't lose any sleep over it, how did you feel when ronaldo left for his dream club!

Until the window opens everything is speculation, you obviously believe what you read in the toilet papers and have an anti city bias, sheep follow the herd, learn to think for your self and stop being so bitter!

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