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I have a dream.......

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posted on 22/2/12

Two great players and faithful servants of your club and you label them morons?!? No wonder you plastic chavvs are so disliked!

posted on 22/2/12

Amazing the way AVB is being slated by players press and fans, do Chelsea fans really want old has beens like Lampard, Cole and Co. to dictate the way the team plays or do they want the manager to do his job.
It was always going to be tough going for AVB with so many primadonnas in Chelsea's dressing room

posted on 22/2/12

Faithful servants? Lampard has been great down the years, but im sure a fat new contract stopped him moving to Inter. They are morons though, how can they expect to start despite the rubbish they've turned in all season. Maybe a new LB will be on the cards now

comment by Lupin (U6089)

posted on 22/2/12

Calling Cole faithful is a first class insult to the people who are actually faithful.

posted on 22/2/12

posted on 22/2/12

I can't stand the sight of avb any more..
I hope we lose to Bolton and he gets fired.
We should have won yesterday ffs.
avb should take 100% responsibility the last night defeat.

avb project lmfao

posted on 22/2/12

You guys need a real overhaul, get rid of the ageing lot such as Lampard and Cashley and bring in some new talent.

Also, Torres needs to go, sell him and bring in Falcao.

posted on 22/2/12

Avb is out of his depth. His discipline of this team is shocking. Has he still not taugh and etched into Luiz brain the art of simple defending?

posted on 22/2/12

Chelsea fans turning on their players aye......

i must admit that i find it sickening if true that Cole said to AVB he came here to win things and would never do that under him..... who the hell does he think he is!!!

i know what he is already

posted on 22/2/12


He deserves no respect.

Lampard however is a club legend and should have his opinion taken into consideration. Cole is just a jumped up recently average left back.

posted on 22/2/12

Lampard is your top scorer, and should be an automatic pick. Don't disagree on the other points.

posted on 22/2/12

You guys need a real overhaul
what overhaul? with AVB in charge, any team with any bunch of players would get easily relegated. The guy is TOTALLY clueless. And this Bosingwa case....OMG.

Project my backside.
Sack him NOW

posted on 22/2/12

I disagree. You people need to understand that Lampard and Cole are senior, very experienced players, and deserve to be treated with respect.They are well respected by the other players. AVB's mistake has been mistreating them. Treat them with respect and they'll treat you with respect. What was he thinking starting Meireles and Bosingwa

posted on 22/2/12

Cole has been shocking recently and add that to the fact he's being a I'm not surprised he'd prefer to start Bosingwa.

Meireles over Lampard makes little sense though.

posted on 22/2/12

Whenever I see Lampard, he always looks like there's a goal in him. Chelsea are lacking goals, he's their top scorer, so why leave him out? He had an excellent shot in the last minute last night which was well saved. He's one of the few midfielders (aside from Mata) who can hit the target consistently.

Napoli's defence weren't great so it was perfect for Frank.

I feel sorry for AVB, he's not been left much to work with. £75mill in Luiz and Torres who have actually contributed to the club's downfall. Cashley apparently having a go at AVB.

There are too many egos in the club and that's what needs to go. I don't believe Frank has a big ego because he just seems to be a professional who just wants to play football. I don't get Chelsea fans' criticism of Frank. He's outperformed himself in previous years with a much more solid player in midfield behind him (first in Makelele and then Essien). He's not either of those two behind him for a few years and he's still chipped in with excellent tallies for a midfielder. Mereiles is not a defensive midfielder and not good enough for Chelsea in my opinion. Ramires on the other hand is excellent and needs to be Chelsea's midfield future.

But your problems are scoring goals and conceding goals. I'd say midfield is probably where you have your best, most consistent players. Luiz is NOT a central defender. He doesn't have the brain for it. He should play just in front of the central defence with Lampard/Mata and Ramires ahead of him.

You also need decent wingers. Sturridge is great but in my opinion, he's always been a striker, not a winger. Left wing is a massive problem for you.

But you need to stick with AVB and support your team most of all. Another manager change would set you back another season.

posted on 22/2/12

must admit that i find it sickening if true that Cole said to AVB he came here to win things and would never do that under him..... who the hell does he think he is!!!
He's the guy that nearly crashed his car in shock when he heard on the radio that Arsenal were ONLY offering him £55K a week. What the feck do you expect? The man is one of the biggest money grabbers in the prem, behind Tevez, Lampard, Rooney and JT. He didn't go to chelsea to win things, he went to increase his bank balance and to poke hair dressers

posted on 22/2/12

Whenever I see Lampard, he always looks like there's a goal in him. Chelsea are lacking goals, he's their top scorer, so why leave him out? He had an excellent shot in the last minute last night which was well saved. He's one of the few midfielders (aside from Mata) who can hit the target consistently.


Absolute rubbish,Lampard has been bad all season It's all well and good getting the goals but his general performance/play has been poor,deserves to dropped.
Everytime he has been on the pitch this season all he does is shoot from long range and miss the target,so I don't know where you got It from that he hits the target consistently,he has no right to be starting. Woeful,he either accepts a squad role as he's not getting any younger or he leaves in the summer.
I would want the latter If he keeps being disrespectful to the manager and being a spoilt brat.

posted on 22/2/12

If you have watched Chelsea this season,you would know we play better without Lampard.(That's not saying much though)

posted on 22/2/12

I disagree. You people need to understand that Lampard and Cole are senior, very experienced players, and deserve to be treated with respect.They are well respected by the other players. AVB's mistake has been mistreating them. Treat them with respect and they'll treat you with respect. What was he thinking starting Meireles and Bosingwa

Players = manager

posted on 22/2/12

Players > Club

posted on 27/2/12

Sorry but Saturday for me confirmed that Frank is one of the best midfielders Chelsea have ever had. And the main reason for that? He had Essien behind him instead of Mereiles!

For me, there's no better midfield triplet in the PL than Lampard, Essien and Ramirez.

Maybe Silva, Toure and De Jong but the Chelsea 3 are the ones I'd go for on their day.

posted on 27/2/12

For me, there's no better midfield triplet in the PL than Lampard, Essien and Ramirez.

Adam, Spearing and Henderson

In reality you're probably right, but Lamps is getting on. It's close between that and Touré, Barry and Silva.

posted on 27/2/12

Yeah Barry has been very good this season, prob City's most consistent performer but he has had some class playing alongside him (as much as it pains me to say).

And look at Scholes, cancelling his pension and dropping his zimmer to come back and help United to try and prevent those clowns from Stockpot winning the league!

posted on 27/2/12

For me, there's no better midfield triplet in the PL than Lampard, Essien and Ramirez.


posted on 27/2/12

"I have a dream...... that white people and black people and even...... chinese people can gamble together without gettin different chips"

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