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The Sun on sunday

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posted on 25/2/12

Wonder if any scousers are going to buy it

posted on 25/2/12

Do you mean the Mail On Sunday? Definitely not posh.

More foaming xenophobe with too many estrogens.

comment by LC (U1826)

posted on 25/2/12

"Fed up with buying the mail on sunday and pretending im posh "

Fed up with buying the mail on sunday and pretending I can read you meant

posted on 25/2/12

I can read thanks

The sun is the best paper for sport

comment by LC (U1826)

posted on 25/2/12

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posted on 25/2/12

Taking it that with all these 1 people dont like the SUN

posted on 25/2/12

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posted on 25/2/12

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posted on 25/2/12

Only got it the first week it ever came out, thought great, paper just for sport

How wrong was i

posted on 25/2/12


posted on 25/2/12

The Sun and its owner represent everything that's wrong with this country. Anyone with a conscience should avoid buying the re-badged News Of The World.

posted on 25/2/12

What rubbish,.. If it was not for papers like the sun we would be totally over run with left wing loonys from thr BBC and the Mirror

I buy what i like , you buy what you like, but it will outsell every other paper by 2 to 1 tomorrow

posted on 25/2/12

With The Sun out on a Sunday as well it means itll be easier to spot the morons seven days a week instead of six.

comment by macca (U9788)

posted on 25/2/12

Being from Liverpool I obviously have no love for the Sun whatsoever. But even ignoring the history, my opinion towards the newspaper would be unchanged. I don't see that sensationalist gossip surrounding celebrities is news. The average reading age for their articles is around 12 for god's sake. I have no love for the Mirror, the Star et al. They're all as bad as each other.

You're comment suggesting the Sun is some last bastion against liberal far left wingers is utterly absurd. You do realise that the Sun has supported the winner of the election since the late 70's. Now I may be wrong, but haven't the left wing labour party been in charge since? They offer very little true political insight, they are renowned for being good at gauging public opinion and supporting the winner.

No paper offers true political insight, they are pretty much all incredibly partisan and support the party they like. So, please, everyone is entitled to read whatever paper they like, but don't pretend it is something that it's not. Cheers

posted on 25/2/12

Bitter northeners

You stick to the biased Daily Mirror that supports Unions and politically correct nonsense

comment by macca (U9788)

posted on 25/2/12

I've also got to ask, what exactly do you constitute a 'left wing loony'? I await your answer eagerly.

posted on 25/2/12

i buy the sun for the sport, thats it, not interested in all the other rubbish printed in papers and only buy it days that Tottenham are playing or have played


posted on 25/2/12

Well anyone who supported Labour for the last 13 yrs

comment by macca (U9788)

posted on 25/2/12

Fair enough, I use the internet mostly for sport so don't read the papers.

That being said, why the left wing loony comment then?

posted on 25/2/12

This country is going down the drain with political correctness and imigration madness

comment by macca (U9788)

posted on 25/2/12

I'm not a big fan of labour, I view all of the parties with a large dose of scepticism. The policy of towing the party line infuriates me. There has got to be room for compromise, unfortunately there is less and less nowadays and that can only be detrimental.

posted on 25/2/12

Agree 100% why they cant work together to make it a better country for the people they are supposed to serve

They are all in it for themselves now days

comment by macca (U9788)

posted on 25/2/12

PC irritates me, it is utterly absurd. Immigration is a problem, but I always feel it is massively overplayed and used as a point scoring tool, I think we have other major problems with our society. The disillusioned youth and their lack of future prospects is the biggest issue that desperately needs work

posted on 25/2/12

Can assure you mate that if you come down to london ,its not over played.. whole areas of london and surrounds are like being in another world.. 81 % babys born this yr in london , none british origin.. its a bleak future if your English .. I don tmind the hard working people , its the benifit frauds like the romanians in the news today, stoles hundreds of thousands and got to pay back 17 quid

posted on 25/2/12

The Sun on Sunday No wonder Britain is going to the dogs. Infantile sensationalism for unemployed White Van men and the Chas and Dave generation.

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