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Lawyers 1 - Arsene Wenger 0

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posted on 28/2/12

..............are we a top European club?


errr no you're not

posted on 28/2/12

supported Manchester City as a youngster

is this true?

posted on 28/2/12

Arsenal is not run as a football club, but as a business. An absolute disgrace, no doubt about it, but is there really anything that can be done?

posted on 28/2/12

O/P Welcome the the world of football,thats the way it rolls nowadays.

posted on 28/2/12

The Man City thing? Yup. Went to school in Manchester and chose the blue half of the city. Well, I suppose someone had to.....

posted on 28/2/12

I'm sure Lex will post a quote by Gazidis about being a fully sustainable business model.

That's the problem. We're not a fecking business but a Football club. Or at least i thought we were.

posted on 28/2/12

B..b..but what about Eden Hazard..? W..w..waht about Mario Götze..? Christian Eriksen? Derrick Benzema?


shock horror.

Arsene's spending power is limited, Most of us realise that. It still doesn't excuse the purchases of players such as Silvestre, Squillaci and Park, not to mention the ridiculous wages some of our squad are on.

Wenger might not be solely to blame, but he isn't entirely blameless either.

posted on 28/2/12

Serial I'm more than half expecting it from Lex or JJG.

As for your final line

posted on 28/2/12

If you can bare the pain, I can post a link to Gazidis' interview with Fox Sport for you.


It's truly embarrassing.

posted on 28/2/12

"not to mention the ridiculous wages some of our squad are on"


Wenger has control over wages? Or maybe that would be the CEO's job too.

posted on 28/2/12

I was looking forward to the summer transfer market .

posted on 28/2/12

"Or maybe that would be the CEO's job too."


True. But whereas David Dein would apparently snap Arsene back into the real world regards to what the manager thought the players should be earning, we can only assume that's not the case with Gazidis.

Still, Ivan's got his plate full as it is... making enough money for Kroenke to buy the L.A.Dodgers.

posted on 28/2/12

Still, Ivan's got his plate full as it is... making enough money for Kroenke to buy the L.A.Dodgers.

Spot on Lex Oh and....in response to your earlier offer of the Gazidis interview with Fox. NO THANKS. Seen it. Cringeworthy and thoroughly demoralisng for any Arsenal supporter.

posted on 28/2/12

I especially liked the part wen Gazidis stated that City might be jealous of Arsenal.

Not setting yourself up for egg on your face, eh Ivan!

posted on 28/2/12

Egg on his face... Stanley's hotdog up his 'arris.

posted on 28/2/12

"..............are we a top European club?"

That Cup Winners Cup in 94 has gone straight to your head

posted on 28/2/12

i dont think that arsenal have been efficient with there money, and that expenditure is too high, which would allow more money on transfers, i do think that come 2014 when we get new sponsorship that should give us a royal boost in revenue

posted on 28/2/12

Even ex-players knew how important David Dein was:


posted on 28/2/12

Interesting point raising 2014, Cheese.

Perhaps that is the only real target the board have set for Wenger?

"Just keep the club in the top 4 for another couple of seasons, Arsene and... you'll earn us all a shiite load of cash"?

posted on 28/2/12

Pride of the North. Nice point. I'm sure there are countless clubs and trillions of supporters out there in the wide blue who wouldlove to take the place of Arsenal FC in Europe.

Since M. Wenger arrived we have managed 15/16 straight years in the CL. That is a top European club by any standards.

posted on 28/2/12

More crap from Gazidis, which i was going to dedicate in a seperate article, but can't be bothered to waste on him:


"But I can tell you that this team, our manager, the players, are absolutely united in what we have to do for the rest of the season, which is to finish in the top four."

Really Gazidis? Our aim is top 4 and not win trophies? I suppose Top 4 is important for you and Stan to cream off more cash.

"We are healthy from a financial standpoint. That is why these financial figures are important, but I would never want to say they are the most important thing. They are not; they are the platform for what we want to do on the field.

"But it is important to understand that not all of [the £115m] is available to spend on transfers. The reason for that is that we have running costs during the year."

Sorry Gunners. Anyone expecting a summer spending spree will be dissappointed. The best we can expect is the return of Denilson.

posted on 28/2/12

Serial - my underlying point in the original article exactly. But the return of Denilson.............NOOOOOOOOOOOO

comment by IAWT (U10012)

posted on 28/2/12

Sorry Gunners. Anyone expecting a summer spending spree will be dissappointed. The best we can expect is the return of Denilson.
And bendtner.....

posted on 28/2/12

Joking apart, I can really see Nicklas Bendtner as an Arsenal player next season. If he's swallowed a slice of humble pie, I wouldn't be against him returning as a squad member.


On the bright side, I think Denilson, Vela, Almunia, Park and Squillaci will all be gone next season.

comment by IAWT (U10012)

posted on 28/2/12

Joking apart, I can really see Nicklas Bendtner as an Arsenal player next season. If he's swallowed a slice of humble pie, I wouldn't be against him returning as a squad member.
I think it is more likely to see Goetze and Hazard in an Arsenal shirt than B52 "eating" an humble pie!
It is a hame cos I really think that the row talent is there. He just don't want to work hard enough to let it out.
The team work and team spirit against the Spurs was tirrific (as Arry would say) and I don't want someone like Bendtner to come back and ruine it!

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