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These 17 comments are related to an article called:

Who's next ?

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posted on 29/6/11


posted on 29/6/11

Messi, he'll be signing Wilshere's shirt as compensation for Fabregas.

posted on 29/6/11

Gervinho is the second signing.....


posted on 29/6/11

most seem to think gervinho, chamberpot and alvarez is a done deal but i don't believe any of it especially not alvarez as inter put in a bid to hijack the deal... I'd expect cahill or samba and those 3 to be done and depending on who stays ad goes with clichy, nasri, and fabregas will decide any further summer business.

posted on 29/6/11

Serious comments appreciated.

posted on 29/6/11

Serious comments appreciated.
you're asking people to make wild guesses, but only want serious responses? good luck with that.

posted on 29/6/11

Ever heard of serious guesses ? or assumptions due to media reports or other sources ?

posted on 29/6/11

"or assumptions due to media reports or other sources ?"

Surely if this is what your after then reading the paper and making your own assumptions would be easier?

posted on 29/6/11

I Think Gervinho, alvarez, cahill (maybe samba instead) and chamberlain. They were always going to be our signings this summer regardless of what happened. If nasri and fabregas leave, I'd expect to see mata and vidal in.
Thats about it. Possibly another striker if we can get rid of bendtner. But looks like we can only get around 10m for him at best, that doesn't allow much to get another striker. hopefully with sale of denilson it could take budget for another striker to 15m or so.
I cant see us raising enough funds from player sales to get in anymore. I reckon rosicky will stay, almunia will go for next to nothing (if we find a club for him). Maybe vela but he looks to be staying. Bendtner and denilson are the only players who i reckon we could get anything for.

posted on 29/6/11

Ever heard of serious guesses ? or assumptions due to media reports or other sources ?
ok then... serious mode...

Our second signing will be Gervinho.

posted on 29/6/11


Are you slow ?
We can read the media reports and discuss ?
That's what this place is for, stop trying to be such an expert by dismissing everything, which is the easy way out.

posted on 29/6/11


Okay very funny, apart from jenkinson, gervinho and alvarez plz

posted on 29/6/11

stop trying to be such an expert by dismissing everything, which is the easy way out.
I think he's just dismissing you. which as you seemingly don't know that we have already made a signing isn't difficult to do to be honest.

posted on 29/6/11


Okay very funny, apart from jenkinson, gervinho and alvarez plz
so you now want people to make wild (but only serious) guesses, disregarding all the people we are most likely to sign or have signed?

if that was what you wanted, you need to work on your article writing skills.

Mind you, as you havent yet worked out how to give yourself a screenname, i guess it's not that surprising

posted on 29/6/11

"Are you slow ?
We can read the media reports and discuss ?
That's what this place is for, stop trying to be such an expert by dismissing everything, which is the easy way out."

An expert on what? Your inability to provide anything interesting to discuss? You want us to say who our next signing will be but then tell us we can't mention Alvarez who has been heavily linked with us. You then tell us we're not allowed to make wild guesses which basically leaves us with repeating the same old stuff the papers have been trotting out for weeks. It's hardly stimulating conversation is it.

I think we might sign Cahill. Yeah? Wow! I've really pulled that one out of leftfield haven't I?

posted on 29/6/11

let's first sign the first signer then I will guess.

posted on 29/6/11

Keeping Fabregas will be like a new signing

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