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pay up or shut up

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posted on 30/6/11

hey are a fantastic football team but a bunch of hypocrites.

I don't think they will pay the money we are asking. Despite that, Wenger will agree at last. no reason to keep a player who never want to stay. Cesc opted silence so far but it won't be hard to guess he wanted to join his child team. Surely, he can't be happy even if he stays with us.

posted on 30/6/11

Normal practice to haggle over the price. The player usually knows beforehand whether the deal will be done or not. The less Barca pay for Cesc, the more he gets as a back-hander. So yes, you're right, it's up to the Arsenal board to hold out for more money-and that will take time, which means the speculation grows and everyones heads are done in....etc etc etc

posted on 30/6/11

Just like Arsenal have done while courting young Alex, but I bet you don't mind that do you......hypocrites.

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