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Let Cesc, Nasri etc. go

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posted on 30/6/11

The same feeling mate. When I always complain to our players and Wenger many fellow gunners shout at me. I am sorry. It's annoying that to see all the trophies gone within one week time. We lost to Birmingham, Barca, Birmingham, Man united in the FA, and Liverpool at last.

It shows that all the players lacking confidence and strength. I am still wondering if there is any other team team which gives away all those title opportunities within a week time. Everything spoiled by them. Only Sagna who told the truth. I sometimes don't make Wenger responsible for the whole problems.

5 mate

posted on 30/6/11

You've got the right idea.

The club NEEDS players who are hungry, not with half an eye on their boyhood idols or the next diamond encrusted ivory backscratcher is coming from.

But unfortunately, that's football (for the best part) these days.

I think Cesc leaving is a given, Nasri is 50/50.

Whatever the weather, the club needs to invest, wisely, but a statement of intent in the transfer market is paramount.

We all speculate and procrastinate everyday on here these days, but with good reason. Failure for the club to act accordingly could potentially undo all of the amazing work and foundations business-wise the club has worked on in what we all knew deep down could be a lean time trophy-wise, that was the trade off...?

That time's coming to an end and the club and it's much admired (quite rightly) "self sustaining" model need to start trading serious blows in the market!

posted on 30/6/11

How can anybody blame our collapse on Cesc? He got injured against Stoke, never fully recovered and from that day onwards we completely fell apart. Anybody who doesn't appreciate Cesc's importance to this team is quite frankly in my opinion a dimwit. A dimwit, or somebody who is already resigned to losing him and in that case "never rated him anyway, he can't even win us a trophy bla bla bla."

Just wait and see, if Cesc and Nasri leave and the average players all our fans want us to sign join as replacements (Cahill, Samba, Gervinho) we won't even finish top 4. The funny thing is that a lot of these fans think going this long without a trophy is some sort of crisis. You haven't seen anything yet.

comment by (U5799)

posted on 30/6/11

I think that it is clear that Fabregas will leave if Barcelona stump up the required money. However,the
departure of Nasri as well will create a huge hole in our midfield.

Replacing one world class player will be difficult. Finding two is a major headache. They do not grow on trees and selling clubs will ask us inflated prices knowing that we are cash rich.

Also bedding down two new players in our engine room will take time, which frankly we have not got with our fixture list at start of next season.

posted on 30/6/11

Anybody who doesn't appreciate Cesc's importance to this team is quite frankly in my opinion a dimwit.
the problem with you is you pretend to have given an adequate answer to all football questions. Everybody knows his importance to us but what we arguing is every player of the team had comparative responsibility for our being wrong. Nobody has denied Cesc's significance to this team.

comment by rhackw (U4191)

posted on 30/6/11

batman..come to a reality check....Fab does NOT want to be wth us..and he is supposed to be our team captain...

LET HIM GO..get every pound we can....let any go that does not want to be here...Arsenal are bigger than any player...if the management rebuilds properly, and of course that is in doubt at the moment..but if they do...it will not be too long before we are all wondering why we pandered to Fab an Nasri so......

comment by rhackw (U4191)

posted on 30/6/11

batman..if you need help getting pulled out of Fab's rear end..let us know and we will come rescue you...

the sunshine out here is still here....

posted on 30/6/11

The funny thing is that a lot of these fans think going this long without a trophy is some sort of crisis. You haven't seen anything yet.

That made me laugh even as an arsenal fan!

comment by (U5799)

posted on 30/6/11

The real problem now is that we stand to lose two of our major players that frankly we would probably prefer not to sell and then there are at least 6-7 who we would like to offload eg. Almunia, Clichy, Squillaci, Denilson,Rosicky, Denilson,Bendtner.

That is a lot of replacement and potential upheaval particularly when we have so many difficult fixtures at
start of season.

The question is can we afford to go into next season with such a situation?

posted on 30/6/11

If Fabregas is gone, then we need to hold onto Nasri at all costs.

People can try and pin the blame on our best players for last season's collapse. The truth is that it was the mediocre dross that are still here, as well as our incompetent defence that let us down.

posted on 30/6/11

I wasn't blaming just Cesc. I said Cesc, Nasri etc. which includes others as well.

posted on 30/6/11

"batman..come to a reality check....Fab does NOT want to be wth us..and he is supposed to be our team captain..."

I don't care. He is contracted to Arsenal and I know he is professional enough to give 100% to us every time he puts on the shirt. Truth be told is if he even gave us 50% he would be head and shoulders above most of the players at the club.

"Nobody has denied Cesc's significance to this team."

Anybody who thinks we should 'cash in on him while we can' obviously doesn't appreciate how important he is to us. I would rather let Cesc go on a free in 3 years then sell him now for £40M-£50M.

"I wasn't blaming just Cesc. I said Cesc, Nasri etc. which includes others as well."

Well there were plenty of players at fault and even Cesc being club captain must take some of the blame but the point I am making is Cesc's injury in February and our consequent collapse was no coincidence. We need him, no matter who we bring in in the Summer we will not cope without Cesc. The only player in our squad who can replace him is Ramsey and he just isn't ready yet.

posted on 30/6/11

Batman - don't agree with you. Cesc may give his 100% when he plays for us but he has put us in a weak position publicly stating his desire to play for Barca and no one else. You have the idiotic Barca president Rossell claiming that he knows Cesc's value and it is not more x million etc. and also that Cesc is less valuable than last year etc. He is doing it in the full confidence that Cesc is going nowhere else. Can you imagine any other buying club making these sort of comments before bidding for a player?

comment by rhackw (U4191)

posted on 30/6/11

I don't care. He is contracted to Arsenal and I know he is professional enough to give 100% to us every time he puts on the shirt. Truth be told is if he even gave us 50% he would be head and shoulders above most of the players at the club.

"Nobody has denied Cesc's significance to this team."

Anybody who thinks we should 'cash in on him while we can' obviously doesn't appreciate how important he is to us. I would rather let Cesc go on a free in 3 years then sell him now for £40M-£50M.

couldn't disagree more....

first, Fab at 50% is not better than everyone else in the club. That is so disrespectful to our other players. We beat Man U with Fab on the sideline. He was injured so much, yet at times our 11 did well..at other times, not. Of course we are better with him on the pitch, but we are not lay down without him. Arsenal did win a few matches in the century before Fab came along. Ane I do remember Arsenal being a world class club before we signed Fab.

And you would rather let him go free in 3 years rather than gain 50M now???? Am happy you are not my business manager. That is simply fiscal nonsense. You act as if we lose Fab we will never ever win another match???

posted on 30/6/11

"first, Fab at 50% is not better than everyone else in the club. That is so disrespectful to our other players. We beat Man U with Fab on the sideline. He was injured so much, yet at times our 11 did well..at other times, not. Of course we are better with him on the pitch, but we are not lay down without him. Arsenal did win a few matches in the century before Fab came along. Ane I do remember Arsenal being a world class club before we signed Fab."

I didn't say at 50% he is better than everyone else at the club. I said most players, which is a fact. What players are you going to mention that are even half as good as Cesc in our squad? So what if we beat United? West Ham beat United. Wolves beat United. Does that mean that the likes of Jonathon Spector and George Elokobi are good enough for Arsenal? Because they put in man of the match performances to beat them? And what has what Arsenal have done "before Cesc" got to do with anything? Has it ever occurred to you we won things because we had players like Henry, Vieira, Pires, etc in our team? Who in our team can even hold a candle to those players now? None of them, the only player who comes close (or is the closest to being close) is Cesc yet people think selling him won't be such a massive loss. Funny logic.

"And you would rather let him go free in 3 years rather than gain 50M now???? Am happy you are not my business manager. That is simply fiscal nonsense. You act as if we lose Fab we will never ever win another match???"

No, that would be stupid, but without Cesc I am 99% sure we will not finish Top 4 and that alone will cost us tens of millions. Some Arsenal fans really do baffle me. They criticise Wenger for being a "bank manger and not a football manager" then they go and say we should "cash in on our best player while we can still get money for him." Make up your minds you hypocrites.

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