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Mata or Nasri

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posted on 30/6/11

Definitely Mata.

He's better in almost every department. He's a better passer, he has better vision, he has better technique, he has a better shot, he has a better cross and he's a better finisher.

He suits our team more than Nasri does.

Top, top player. He's very similar to Silva.

posted on 30/6/11

Can't believe what I'm hearing, you would rather have Mata? Mata had an average season in Spain, whereas Nasri had proved he can do it in the PL and Is your best player

I'm not Wumming, I hope you keep Nasri, if he leaves for City it will be purley down to money

posted on 30/6/11

Every Arsenal fan will now say Mata despite most probably seeing him play in less than 10 games. As well as never seeing live in person.

posted on 30/6/11

Is that the same Mata who said he will not be leaving Spain?

posted on 30/6/11

Yeah i agree with you kamran but he has to settle down well, if we do get him lets hope he is not a softy like Reyes because they similar players

posted on 30/6/11

What exactly has Nasri proved? He scored 10 goals and made 1 assist in the league. That's hardly amazing, is it? Mata is more of an Arsenal type player. His passing and vision is outstanding. Class player.

posted on 30/6/11

Nasri was your main man when Fabregas was out injured, to see both of them leave and replace them with an unproven player from Spain is a huge gamble

posted on 30/6/11

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posted on 30/6/11

comment by ❝RRP_Of_VDV's_DVD_In_HD_3D❞ (U1026) posted 2 minutes ago

Nasri was your main man when Fabregas was out injured, to see both of them leave and replace them with an unproven player from Spain is a huge gamble


Everybody knows Mata wont replace Nasri anyway. Just like in the past they will promote youth players. The midfield next season will be Ramsey, Song, Wilshere with Rosicky, Denilson and Diaby as back up.

If for whatever reason Nasri rejects both us and Utd and stays at Arsenal, he will be world class again.

posted on 30/6/11

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posted on 1/7/11

Both are quality players. I would prefer Nasri though simply because he is one of my favorite players and has something Mata does not have - PL experience. If Nasri left thought I would love Mata to replace him.

posted on 1/7/11

Yeah that is the only problem with mata - he has no PL experience

posted on 1/7/11

Would a midfield of Ramsey Song and Wilshere be good enough to compete?

I for one dont think so

posted on 1/7/11

I don't know or haven't seen your Mata play. My Nasri is better for me and want him to stay with us. as simple as that.

posted on 1/7/11

Nasri WILL go. It's just a question of which lesser of two evils it's to - City or Utd? We certainly shouldn't settle for anything less than £20m considering the price for Ashley Young last week.
The Clichy deal makes sense - he's no longer got the desire to play for AFC and had no intention of staying. It's better to cash in on him than lose him for free. He hasn't thrilled me as a LB for 2 seasons now anyway. Yes, we have potential in Gibbs, but his injury record is worrying. We will need an experienced LB to at least offer some competition.

I am really disappointed with things so far - we look like signing Gervinho and Oxlade Chamberlain - 2 wingers to add to the 4 we already have with a LB, a striker and a central mid leaving and the glaring need for at least 2 CB's. The fact that top level players now see Man City (who 2011 FA Cup aside have little to shout about for many a year) over a team who just 7 years ago were the top team in London and the only side to have ever gone a season unbeaten says it all. 6 yrs of being entertaining but not threatening, the 'youth project' and the rigid 4-3-3 have destroyed all the good we had achieved under Wenger. I'm not suggesting he goes - but he does need to act this summer otherwise he'll be forced out. The way we're going, 4th place looks like a mountain to climb. We could quite easily find ourselves well out of the running this season - City, Chelsea and Utd have much stronger squads and financial clout. Therefore we are looking at Liverpool and Spurs as our main rivals to ensure we aren't playing thursday nights on Channel 5 in 2012.
To start next season with Wilshere, Ramsey and Song in midfield with a new CB, a new LB and a new winger is a huge risk - one which could backfire horribly on Wenger and turn the fans completely. If Cesc, Samir and Gael are sold we are looking at around £65 million to add to the alleged £50m available. That means we should be aiming for experienced players like Ribery or Benzema - not 18yr old Belgians or a one season wonder like Gervinho.

comment by Eboue (U3815)

posted on 1/7/11

"Would a midfield of Ramsey Song and Wilshere be good enough to compete?"

That depends entirely on whether ramsey can completely blow off the cobwebs and have a fantastic injury free season. It is certainly a midfield with more potential than any other in the league. In all honesty though i dont think ramsey can take that responsiblity yet, if we sell cesc we have to bring in a replacement, unless we move nasri to central midfield (NOT ATTACKING MIDFIELD) and shift wilshere further forward


posted on 1/7/11

Personally I'm worried.

Not just with Cesc and Nasri leaving as that's a huge void to fill and, as good as Ramsey and Jack are, they're not the finished article yet.

I'm concerned about the step backwards that Song seemed to make last season. I thought he was about our best player the season before but seems to have regressed - in part due to his insistance on attacking like a tw*t. He has it in him to be brilliant but Wenger needs to bend him over his knee and give him a paddling every time he steps over the halfwayf line imo.

I want to see someone in that midfield who is capable of keeping a level head. Aaron and Jack are very young (though Ramsey does seem to have a calm head on his shoulders), Song blunders around like a bull in a china shop and don't get me started on Theo's panicking! All the above players can be absolute quality but you'll need to get the right balance. I'm not sure who to get to fill the void we're going to have but I think it's one position we can't afford to scrimp on.

posted on 1/7/11

Nasri obviously he is proven in the prem mata is not but mata has just as much talent as nasri whist nasri is the better dribbler i think mata is the better passer of the ball and more creative but in all honesty Nasri is not as irreplaceable as he thinks he is a good winger but good wingers that can get goals aren't exactly in short supply in world football at the moment unlike players like fabregas who is far more important and if we sell we will probly have to change our system as above posters have said jack and ramsey arent ready and we'd need someone to cover their change in position anyway

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