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Citeh Deny Nasri Interest

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posted on 1/7/11

In regards to both deals, can u see any direct qutoes from either clubs or players? Right now its all speculation to help sell papers.

posted on 1/7/11

Clichy can go. He is easily replaceable. Like you i would like him to stay, i think he's a decent player,and has committed and served us well. I wont be losing to much sleep if he left, losing cole at left back was a bigger loss.
Clichy could be replaced by enrique, baines or most Left backs in top end European teams could fit into our team, and to be honest i dont think we would notice much difference.

posted on 1/7/11

This team is going to collapse. What the hell am I hearing? Cesc, Nasri, Clichy, ..I don't know who will be next. Opposition teams will have no option but to take the already built team. They are completely ruining us. Oh God, why is everything gone like this.

We must be awake and do something. I don't understand where Arsenal is heading to.

posted on 1/7/11

I think the fact Clichy is joining Man City raises questions about Mancini's judgment in players. I've been having a go at CLichy for a long time, and I don't care whom he joins as I think he'll be found out there sooner than later.

As I calmed down and read newspaper reports, I felt a little better about the Nasri situation. Rebelieve he could stay with us.

posted on 1/7/11

Clichy been a good player for us but i wouldnt stand in his way if he wants to move on, theres too many haters on here

posted on 1/7/11

I don't know who will be next.
hopefully you. Hopefully some club will need a moaning, whinging little child of a fan and we can extract maximum value from them for you. maximum value being half a pre-chewed penny sweet.

posted on 1/7/11

I think Clichy needs a new challenge as he's got a bit stale with us. I wish him well as he's been a good servant to the club but I don't think we'll struggle to replace him that badly. The problem will be financial though as I imagine getting someone as good/better than him will be around the 10-15m mark if you're lucky and we all know how much Arsene likes paying those sums!

posted on 1/7/11

Clichy been a good player for us but i wouldnt stand in his way if he wants to move on, theres too many haters on here


Aint that the truth.

Citeh are laughing. They've lo-balled us knowing that Clichy is free at the end of the season anyway. He's obviously told them that he will certainly not signing a new contract at Arsenal whatever happens.

Personally, I think he's a big loss. Though he was only a squad player, he played in a squad of invincibles and actually has a title winner's medal. He's also one of the few defenders in the game that Walcott can't totally strip for pace. I'd rather all the fast people were on our team thanks

posted on 1/7/11

hopefully you. Hopefully some club will need a moaning, whinging little child of a fan and we can extract maximum value from them for you.
I would be glad if I am worth some commercial value. I don't mind even if I give my soul to my beloved Arsenal mate.

posted on 1/7/11

Let them have him, seriously people seven million for a full back who can't head a ball, judge anything in the air or a bounce from one of our main rivals next year is a good deal.

I'm not one to criticise for the sake of it but come on, Clichy is the weak link at the back and i won't hear anything about others not tracking back thats a different issue. He has poor judgement of when to just get rid of it and when to keep hold of it, and hasn't a clue when the ball is hoofed long. He offers little going forward, when was his last assist or goal? Not saying that's his primary job but I remember Sagna scoring and getting a couple of assists last season.

Its been clear for years that Clichy never has been or never will be a replacement for Cole, let City have him and maybe we can get a few cheap goals by hoofing it at him and watching him tragically misjudge a bounce or a header. Take the 7 mill and sacrifice all his so called pace, maybe Wenger will invest in a full back who can do the basics.

posted on 1/7/11


What I've seen he is as good as Clichy and with Traore coming back from abroad we have cover there as well.

Sorted 7 million for a player who would be leaving next season for free is not bad business. Come on we have known that if he didn't sign a new contract he was gone, would have prefered him sold abroad but would have liked to see him go for more seeing as its Schitty.

posted on 30/12/12

by KEIOC Talk Krap (U6662)

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