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Ali - 🇪🇦 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿(U1192)

member since: 17 May 2011

More about me:

My job requires me to be an approachable, charismatic leader.

My family life requires me to be a cheerful, loving family man.

I live amongst a lot of people. Big family, big global company, endless meetings, endless family gatherings.

I just want to live far away from civilisation. Up in the mountains somewhere.

You know the type of place where you wake up and look out your window and you're just speechless at the beauty that is around you. I want that every day.

I had that recently when I went on holiday you see. I hired a villa out for two weeks on a beautiful Greek island, up in the mountains.
The closest building to us was about 3 miles away.
Every morning I'd wake up, make a coffee and go and sit on the balcony with my wife and parents. The view was incredible. We watched the sun rise every day and just marvelled in its beauty.

We'd all sit there in silence for a time, just enjoying the peace and incredible scenery that surrounds us.


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