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Arguing w/strangers cause I'm lonely thread

Page 3469 of 4264

posted on 8/6/23

"The air quality is terrible though and anyone with respiratory problems has been told to stay indoors or wear a tight fitting mask."


posted on 8/6/23

comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 9 hours, 4 minutes ago
comment by rosso says the time has come to unlock the unlimited Pote-ntial of the Fernançalvemiro triumvirate (U17054)
posted 24 minutes ago
comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 1 hour, 4 minutes ago
The hard left a probably the bigger threat to people who don't want the Tories to win the next election at the moment.
Not even the hard left mate.

There are probably a lot of young progressives - social democrats and democratic socialists alike - who are being put off by this mad purge.

And on the purposeful blurring of anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli sentiments, beyond the inherent false equivalence of the narrative, it isn’t a smart move electorally: there’s only a third of young Brits (18-24) who say they wouldn’t boycott Israeli goods right now. That speaks volumes about how young Brits see the actions of the Israeli state, and I would warrant that the vast, vast majority of those young people wouldn’t be very happy at anyone remotely suggesting that they have a single anti-Semitic bone in their bodies.

I really don’t think Labour wants to be working any harder to turn the other two-thirds of those young voters off.

I think the problem is that those on the hard right or hard left think that huge numbers of people are just as concerned about fringe issues as they are. When in fact this isn't the case.

By making a big deal out of issues such as 'purging', the left will just play directly into the hands of the right. We've already seen Insert and Pawl start agreeing on stuff about Labour, despite being completely opposed.

The right are always better at creating a rhetoric and turning people from an opposition towards them. What will happen is that the left will think they are going to force Labour to move further to the left for this election, when really they are going allow Tories to point at infighting, allow the rhetoric the parties are the same and push more undecideds to vote Tory again whilst they vote elsewhere.

It's just increasing the likelihood of the Tories getting more votes, when the number one objective should be to oust this incompetent government. Focusing on shifting the Overton window can come once that has happened. It's less likely to happen if we end up with a large Tory presence in the next government.
I think the right, whatever that may be these days, are better at turning people towards them as, simplistically, the right (generally) is more practical-focused whereas the left are more moral-focused which is a harder position to compromise from.

I’ve always fully understood and appreciated why people like Insert (sorry to use you as an example mate) are reluctant to say the least to back a leader like Starmer say as he really doesn’t represent the values of the proper Labour electorate but, as I’ve also said, someone like that is the best chance of getting back in charge. From a Tory supporter’s perspective, I have similar with the recent conservative leaders: Boris is just Boris, Rishi has some elements of conservatism but not enough.

These two main parties are far too similar and have been since the mid 90s and the alternatives are far too small (comparatively and PR /FPTP won’t make enough difference the money involved is the issue) or far too extreme to get in. What do Labour voters do? Vote Green? What do old school Tory voters do? Vote a UKIP/BNP/Farage party?

posted on 8/6/23

comment by son of quebec (U8127)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Sat Nav (U18243)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Irishred (U2539)
posted 1 day, 2 hours ago
comment by son of quebec (U8127)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Irishred (U2539)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Irishred (U2539)
posted 13 seconds ago
comment by son of quebec (U8127)
posted about a minute ago
comment by rosso says the time has come to unlock the unlimited Pote-ntial of the Fernançalvemiro triumvirate (U17054)
posted 19 minutes ago
It is now too late to save Arctic summer sea ice say climate scientists, even with significant cuts to emissions.

Previously, it was expected that the first ice-free summers would occur around 2050. The latest data shows that we can now expect them to occur from as soon as 2030.

The loss of Arctic sea ice will significantly impact the acceleration of the increase in atmospheric and oceanic temperatures as radiation which would previously have been reflected by the ice will instead be absorbed by the ocean.

“As scientists, we’ve been warning about the loss of Arctic summer sea ice for decades… People didn’t listen to our warnings.”

It’s beyond time we started listening.
Too late. I can't go outdoors today without a mask. And we've been informed these fires from coast to coast and into the Northwest Territories could last for months.
I wanted to ask you that

Are you badly affected? Will you have to be evacuated?
Oh and were they started by one of your Jamaican woodbines?
Shh. Maybe. There's no evacuation of Montreal. Its an island with nearly 2 million people, and the fires are hundreds of miles away. The air quality is terrible though and anyone with respiratory problems has been told to stay indoors or wear a tight fitting mask. Been like that for a week or more. First it was Alberta fires blocking the skies with smoke from far west. But there are fires in eastern Quebec now and we're getting a very rare weather pattern where winds are from the east and just giving us the most hellishly beautiful sunsets.

Good to hear you’re ok

Still a cant mind

Glad you’re all good though SoQ ❤️ 🇨🇦
Amazing. Air quality back to normal here today. NYC not so good.
And it was crap already!

posted on 8/6/23

British manufacturers of electric cars using UK-made batteries will qualify for tax credits under Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act. Significant win for Sunak. The UK will be the only place in Europe where EV manufacturers can access Biden’s Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act subsidies

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 8/6/23

Not as bad as yesterday
At least air aint orange

Hope is clear up by our Jersey Shore vacation at end of this month

posted on 8/6/23

comment by De Gea's Legs (U14210)
posted 3 minutes ago
British manufacturers of electric cars using UK-made batteries will qualify for tax credits under Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act. Significant win for Sunak. The UK will be the only place in Europe where EV manufacturers can access Biden’s Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act subsidies
Do we make many? Even if not it paves the way to which may create more jobs in the industry which is good.

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 8/6/23

Connecticut ends its State legislative session and oasses several bi-partisan bills that strengthen gun control laws, strengthen libraries right to hold books of their choosing and build a wall around abortion rights.

That is how a sensible, moderate democracy works.

posted on 8/6/23

comment by #4zA Napul3 (U22472)
posted 6 minutes ago
Connecticut ends its State legislative session and oasses several bi-partisan bills that strengthen gun control laws, strengthen libraries right to hold books of their choosing and build a wall around abortion rights.

That is how a sensible, moderate democracy works.
And yet this is what conservatives call fascism

posted on 8/6/23

comment by Jalisco Red (U4195)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by #4zA Napul3 (U22472)
posted 6 minutes ago
Connecticut ends its State legislative session and oasses several bi-partisan bills that strengthen gun control laws, strengthen libraries right to hold books of their choosing and build a wall around abortion rights.

That is how a sensible, moderate democracy works.
And yet this is what conservatives call fascism
Probably not conservatives. Entrenched / far right ideologues really. Typical conservatives are no more extreme than typical liberal/left wingers. America’s problem is that there are an awful lot of extremists on both sides of the political isle, neither of which will ever compromise or be reasoned with.

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 8/6/23

comment by Sat Nav (U18243)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Jalisco Red (U4195)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by #4zA Napul3 (U22472)
posted 6 minutes ago
Connecticut ends its State legislative session and oasses several bi-partisan bills that strengthen gun control laws, strengthen libraries right to hold books of their choosing and build a wall around abortion rights.

That is how a sensible, moderate democracy works.
And yet this is what conservatives call fascism
Probably not conservatives. Entrenched / far right ideologues really. Typical conservatives are no more extreme than typical liberal/left wingers. America’s problem is that there are an awful lot of extremists on both sides of the political isle, neither of which will ever compromise or be reasoned with.
N that makes moderates like me very

posted on 8/6/23

comment by Sat Nav (U18243)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Jalisco Red (U4195)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by #4zA Napul3 (U22472)
posted 6 minutes ago
Connecticut ends its State legislative session and oasses several bi-partisan bills that strengthen gun control laws, strengthen libraries right to hold books of their choosing and build a wall around abortion rights.

That is how a sensible, moderate democracy works.
And yet this is what conservatives call fascism
Probably not conservatives. Entrenched / far right ideologues really. Typical conservatives are no more extreme than typical liberal/left wingers. America’s problem is that there are an awful lot of extremists on both sides of the political isle, neither of which will ever compromise or be reasoned with.
Probably some truth in this to be fair. And social media probably skews the picture somewhat. I do like to think that most people are just trying to go about their lives.

posted on 8/6/23

comment by Jalisco Red (U4195)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Sat Nav (U18243)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Jalisco Red (U4195)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by #4zA Napul3 (U22472)
posted 6 minutes ago
Connecticut ends its State legislative session and oasses several bi-partisan bills that strengthen gun control laws, strengthen libraries right to hold books of their choosing and build a wall around abortion rights.

That is how a sensible, moderate democracy works.
And yet this is what conservatives call fascism
Probably not conservatives. Entrenched / far right ideologues really. Typical conservatives are no more extreme than typical liberal/left wingers. America’s problem is that there are an awful lot of extremists on both sides of the political isle, neither of which will ever compromise or be reasoned with.
Probably some truth in this to be fair. And social media probably skews the picture somewhat. I do like to think that most people are just trying to go about their lives.
Pretty much. As a centre right conservative I get mad at the left ideas and propositions but only because it’s the loudest and most extreme people/ideas.

I’m sure it’s the same in reverse - no abortions for anyone, guns for everyone, no socialist elements at all.

I think it’s (social media and normal media who have to follow suit to stay solvent / relevant) driving a lot of people mad by skewing stories like you say, even the completely moderate / normal people. We all think each other are disgusting horrible stupid evil people….

posted on 8/6/23

comment by #4zA Napul3 (U22472)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by Sat Nav (U18243)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Jalisco Red (U4195)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by #4zA Napul3 (U22472)
posted 6 minutes ago
Connecticut ends its State legislative session and oasses several bi-partisan bills that strengthen gun control laws, strengthen libraries right to hold books of their choosing and build a wall around abortion rights.

That is how a sensible, moderate democracy works.
And yet this is what conservatives call fascism
Probably not conservatives. Entrenched / far right ideologues really. Typical conservatives are no more extreme than typical liberal/left wingers. America’s problem is that there are an awful lot of extremists on both sides of the political isle, neither of which will ever compromise or be reasoned with.
N that makes moderates like me very
I don’t doubt it. I love(d) America in the 90s. Very positive, patriotic, opportunity filled, very good standard of living (on average), a bit ignorant internationally but it was great. I’m sure most of it still is but it seems to be tearing itself apart massively.

posted on 8/6/23

ELDERLY US leader Joe Biden accidentally called Prime Minister Rishi Sunak "Mr President".

The 80-year-old Commander in Chief was welcoming the PM to the White House for the first time, but appeared confused as the pair posed for the cameras.


Biden endorsing Rishi for 2024 US President

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 9/6/23

comment by Sat Nav (U18243)
posted 1 hour, 51 minutes ago
comment by #4zA Napul3 (U22472)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by Sat Nav (U18243)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Jalisco Red (U4195)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by #4zA Napul3 (U22472)
posted 6 minutes ago
Connecticut ends its State legislative session and oasses several bi-partisan bills that strengthen gun control laws, strengthen libraries right to hold books of their choosing and build a wall around abortion rights.

That is how a sensible, moderate democracy works.
And yet this is what conservatives call fascism
Probably not conservatives. Entrenched / far right ideologues really. Typical conservatives are no more extreme than typical liberal/left wingers. America’s problem is that there are an awful lot of extremists on both sides of the political isle, neither of which will ever compromise or be reasoned with.
N that makes moderates like me very
I don’t doubt it. I love(d) America in the 90s. Very positive, patriotic, opportunity filled, very good standard of living (on average), a bit ignorant internationally but it was great. I’m sure most of it still is but it seems to be tearing itself apart massively.

I used to love that everybody was chill about politics hear butt that all change in 2016

posted on 9/6/23

I wonder who did this


posted on 9/6/23

Russia did

posted on 9/6/23

comment by CrouchEndGooner (U13531)
posted 1 minute ago
Russia did
highly unlikely they'd bomb a dam in territory they control, and deprive Crimea of drinking water

Use your head man

posted on 9/6/23

comment by peks - Aliens are here 👽 (U6618)
posted 1 hour, 15 minutes ago
I wonder who did this


Lol, Grayzone. Known Russian propagandists

posted on 9/6/23

Poor Trump

posted on 9/6/23

The “COVID lockdowns were a psyop!” crowd is now moving on to “climate lockdowns”. Buckle up, people.

Fox News currently telling its notoriously ageing viewership, on repeat, that breathing forest fire particulates is absolutely fine, and that avoiding breathing the smoke is for woke sheeple. Yep, can’t see any problems with that, at all

Starting to think that Fox News itself is a psyop designed to thin the population of double digit IQ MAGAs.

posted on 9/6/23

comment by rosso says the time has come to unlock the unlimited Pote-ntial of the Fernançalvemiro triumvirate (U17054)
posted 3 minutes ago
The “COVID lockdowns were a psyop!” crowd is now moving on to “climate lockdowns”. Buckle up, people.

Fox News currently telling its notoriously ageing viewership, on repeat, that breathing forest fire particulates is absolutely fine, and that avoiding breathing the smoke is for woke sheeple. Yep, can’t see any problems with that, at all

Starting to think that Fox News itself is a psyop designed to thin the population of double digit IQ MAGAs.

You’re being far too kind saying it’s double digits. One of the latest conspiracies I’ve seen the MAGA cult espouse is the ‘introduction of journals for kids in the 90’s’ and how that’s a way for the deep state to spy on kids and turn them gay.

posted on 9/6/23

Owning the libtards by virtue signalling their inalienable right to breathe actual poison unhindered by a ‘face nappy’.

This is a very strange world, it really is.

posted on 9/6/23

comment by peks - Aliens are here 👽 (U6618)
posted 1 hour, 12 minutes ago
comment by CrouchEndGooner (U13531)
posted 1 minute ago
Russia did
highly unlikely they'd bomb a dam in territory they control, and deprive Crimea of drinking water

Use your head man
Russia is losing and running away, they raised the water levels in the dam in the month before they sabotaged it.

In line with their terrorism of Ukrainian civilians throughout this war they're also shelling the flooded area to kill more Ukrainian civilians while the Ukrainian forces try to evacuate them

Use your own facking head you dribbling little perv

posted on 9/6/23

comment by rosso says the time has come to unlock the unlimited Pote-ntial of the Fernançalvemiro triumvirate (U17054)
posted 4 minutes ago
Owning the libtards by virtue signalling their inalienable right to breathe actual poison unhindered by a ‘face nappy’.

This is a very strange world, it really is.

We’ve seen late stage capitalism - perhaps this is late stage ‘freedom’. We’re about to see the power of the collective as China take the baton in the second half of the 21st century and the problems that come with that.

Page 3469 of 4264

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