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posted on 16/8/18

comment by CelticTornado (U4316)
posted 14 seconds ago
comment by LQ (U6305)
posted 1 minute ago
Honest question, what’s with all these disco lights comments?
Rock n Roll
Bad ass Vega Wh-ores
Late Night Booty Calls…

FFS JA nights out have calmed down a bit

posted on 16/8/18

spitting the dummy?

doesnt want to get injured (as per his agent).

tbh i think the latter, i think maybe easily swayed by his agent, who quite frankly is a prize pwrick.

posted on 16/8/18

I think after all is said and done

After Boyata and the discolights, many old firm drubbings, after going out the champions league and dropping into the Europa League.

After having the worst defence in living memory.

Rangers are still absolute Sh|te and no amount of denial can change that

Rangers fans have actually started a new cycle on the 5 stages of grief

They were in denial about liquidation, then they got angry about it, bargaining came and went before they went into depression, finally accepting the sh|te that they are and will always be!

Now the denial starts all over again and i cant wait

posted on 16/8/18

comment by meuandcoop - Green & Whyte=Shyte (U5293)
posted 1 second ago
comment by LQ (U6305)
posted 17 seconds ago
Honest question, what’s with all these disco lights comments?
Honest answer: Celtic paid 4m pounds , allegedly, to install a new lighting and sound "experience" at the stadium to be enjoyed on CL nights. Meanwhile they baulked at 2,75m for John McGinn...now of Villa...and are out of CL. Sort of sums it up.
Think the 4m included the new pitch....and possibly the upgrades to the sides of the grandstands.

Money well spent.

comment by Paddy (U5235)

posted on 16/8/18

comment by Ghod#18 (U9390)
posted 2 minutes ago
I just want to know why he wouldn't want to play?


Cos he's an ersehole

posted on 16/8/18

comment by Paddy [🇦🇺 Tom Rogic - Wizard of Oz 🇦🇺] (U5235)
posted 51 seconds ago
comment by Ghod#18 (U9390)
posted 2 minutes ago
I just want to know why he wouldn't want to play?


Cos he's an ersehole

the prosecution rests

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 16/8/18

comment by meuandcoop - Green & Whyte=Shyte (U5293)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by LQ (U6305)
posted 17 seconds ago
Honest question, what’s with all these disco lights comments?
Honest answer: Celtic paid 4m pounds , allegedly, to install a new lighting and sound "experience" at the stadium to be enjoyed on CL nights. Meanwhile they baulked at 2,75m for John McGinn...now of Villa...and are out of CL. Sort of sums it up.
Ffs that’s messed up 👍

posted on 16/8/18

comment by Magnum (U16400)
posted 28 seconds ago
comment by meuandcoop - Green & Whyte=Shyte (U5293)
posted 1 second ago
comment by LQ (U6305)
posted 17 seconds ago
Honest question, what’s with all these disco lights comments?
Honest answer: Celtic paid 4m pounds , allegedly, to install a new lighting and sound "experience" at the stadium to be enjoyed on CL nights. Meanwhile they baulked at 2,75m for John McGinn...now of Villa...and are out of CL. Sort of sums it up.
Think the 4m included the new pitch....and possibly the upgrades to the sides of the grandstands.

Money well spent
well, you would say that but so would 2.75m for McGinn.

posted on 16/8/18

So, what does Lee Congleton do ?? Anybody know ?

posted on 16/8/18

Honest answer: Celtic paid 4m pounds , allegedly, to install a new lighting and sound "experience" at the stadium to be enjoyed on CL nights. Meanwhile they baulked at 2,75m for John McGinn...now of Villa...and are out of CL. Sort of sums it up.


Do you think Celtic will never play another European game at night again..

Are you that dim

comment by NNH (U10730)

posted on 16/8/18

Marseille expected to bid £14 million for Dembele by the end of the week.

comment by Ghod#18 (U9390)

posted on 16/8/18

there's defo more to it than meets the eye here

posted on 16/8/18

comment by The artist formerly known as Joe (U15888)

posted 3 minutes ago

After having the worst defence in living memory.


Showing your age Joe. I remember when our defence was Tebily Scheidt

comment by Ghod#18 (U9390)

posted on 16/8/18

comment by NNH (U10730)

posted 1 minute ago

Marseille expected to bid £14 million for Dembele by the end of the week.


posted on 16/8/18

might be ghod but i feel like regardless he should have been playing.

NNH - 14 million, please. if boyata is worth 9 then they have no chance.

comment by NNH (U10730)

posted on 16/8/18

I suspect with his injury problems etc. If we were to get an offer of £15M+ for Dembele he’ll be off.

comment by Ghod#18 (U9390)

posted on 16/8/18

100% agree he should be playing but theres more to the reasons why he isn't than being an ersehole

comment by NNH (U10730)

posted on 16/8/18

Aw that’s missing now is it to come out Edouard’s deal is actually a loan and we’re heading for Admin 1.

Celtic banter years beginning.

posted on 16/8/18

He'll be off as will Ntcham to Porto.

posted on 16/8/18

Desperate bears praying Celtic sell their black Bee-Gees

comment by NNH (U10730)

posted on 16/8/18

comment by MaHeed'sNippin aka Wullie Collum (U3633)
posted 4 seconds ago
Desperate bears praying Celtic sell their black Bee-Gees

posted on 16/8/18

Book mark it !

posted on 16/8/18

tell u what, if we end this window without roberts, armstrong, dembele and boyata and have only changed the team from last season by having izzy back then thats a disgrace.

posted on 16/8/18

comment by MaHeed'sNippin aka Wullie Collum (U3633)
posted 1 minute ago
Desperate bears praying Celtic sell their black Bee-Gees

comment by Ghod#18 (U9390)

posted on 16/8/18

if that was the case JFK heads would roll

penny for DD's thoughts just now infact a penny for DD's sons thoughts just now

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