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These 309 comments are related to an article called:

America: Heading for Another Civil War?

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comment by Silver (U6112)

posted on 30/9/20

comment by Zachsda( There’s a bus Neil, quick throw them under it ) (U1850)
posted 55 seconds ago
It always baffles me that poor people don’t want themselves or other poor people to have access to good health care cos it’s a mad wait till your father gets home mad Commie thing to do
Election bought will be i teresti g when the exit polls start to talk
Eh, here or there?

comment by Silver (U6112)

posted on 30/9/20

comment by Zachsda( There’s a bus Neil, quick throw them under it ) (U1850)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Dave The Jackal (U22179)
posted 4 seconds ago
comment by Kleberson (U22462)
posted 2 seconds ago
Trump will win. The riots have seen to that.

Polls said hilary by a landslide. Did not happen. Hopefully in 4 years both parties will have better candidates.
The experts I listened to yesterday both made the same comment. If Trump gets in, the BLM protests will have played a significant part. Totally plays into his hands, as the Law and Order guy (aye, seriously) ... importantly with a lot of older black voters (conservative, religious), who are totally turned off by the violent, destructive aspects of the protests.
And of all the lucky breaks they may get an anti abortion Supreme Court judge to set rights back years
Separation of church and state my hole
You have to appreciate that religion is huge over there.

comment by Szoboss (U6997)

posted on 30/9/20

comment by Dave The Jackal (U22179)
posted 36 seconds ago
comment by Kleberson (U22462)
posted 2 seconds ago
Trump will win. The riots have seen to that.

Polls said hilary by a landslide. Did not happen. Hopefully in 4 years both parties will have better candidates.
The experts I listened to yesterday both made the same comment. If Trump gets in, the BLM protests will have played a significant part. Totally plays into his hands, as the Law and Order guy (aye, seriously) ... importantly with a lot of older black voters (conservative, religious), who are totally turned off by the violent, destructive aspects of the protests.

I could be wrong (because I haven't checked) but I think the polls only had Clinton by a small margin - a couple of percentage. And that did actually translate in the popular vote I think.

I certainly don't recall Clinton having such a wide gap (circa 10%) as Biden does. Even with the electoral college that gap (if it plays out) should be too much.

I read an article a few months ago that was saying Trump was probably favourite until C19 hit but without the strong economy to fall back on and with the general perception he handled the pandemic very badly, his chances have massively diminished.

posted on 30/9/20

And of all the lucky breaks they may get an anti abortion Supreme Court judge to set rights back years
Separation of church and state my hole

the left is gonna kick right off when she gets elected to that position.

posted on 30/9/20

comment by Silver (U6112)
posted 21 seconds ago
comment by Zachsda( There’s a bus Neil, quick throw them under it ) (U1850)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Dave The Jackal (U22179)
posted 4 seconds ago
comment by Kleberson (U22462)
posted 2 seconds ago
Trump will win. The riots have seen to that.

Polls said hilary by a landslide. Did not happen. Hopefully in 4 years both parties will have better candidates.
The experts I listened to yesterday both made the same comment. If Trump gets in, the BLM protests will have played a significant part. Totally plays into his hands, as the Law and Order guy (aye, seriously) ... importantly with a lot of older black voters (conservative, religious), who are totally turned off by the violent, destructive aspects of the protests.
And of all the lucky breaks they may get an anti abortion Supreme Court judge to set rights back years
Separation of church and state my hole
You have to appreciate that religion is huge over there.
Yep ... and hand in hand with racism and gun toting. It's a curious, fooked up mix, to be fair.

posted on 30/9/20

comment by Kleberson (U22462)
posted 6 minutes ago
And of all the lucky breaks they may get an anti abortion Supreme Court judge to set rights back years
Separation of church and state my hole

the left is gonna kick right off when she gets elected to that position.
The left, who aren't anywhere near actually left.

posted on 30/9/20

comment by HB Fash - 2008 UEFA Cup Champions - Awarded 2020* (U21935)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Kleberson (U22462)
posted 6 minutes ago
And of all the lucky breaks they may get an anti abortion Supreme Court judge to set rights back years
Separation of church and state my hole

the left is gonna kick right off when she gets elected to that position.
The left, who aren't anywhere near actually left.

Depends if you mean fiscally or socially, I'd say socially they very much are.

comment by (U21624)

posted on 30/9/20

Republicans and Democrats , all too often, aretooc smug and lazy to inform themselves about the candidates /views. We could've had Tulsi Gabbard [who i voted for] or Bill Weld. Both vastly superior to the dynamic duo on offer. Worse still, many stay on the couch on election night and give it the old,, they're all the same.

posted on 30/9/20

Gabbard absolutely flamed harris. Took her campaign out in 90 seconds flat. How she became bidens running mate after that debacle is anyone's guess.

posted on 30/9/20

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 30/9/20

Destroying cities to the tune of billions. Should of been dealt with far more viciously and swiftly than they were. With that said it should of been law enforcement/ military that did it. Proud boys are not the answer.

posted on 30/9/20

No chance Trump wins this election.

He needs swing voters angry moderates to win as his core base isn't enough. He's alienated those votes for the past three years and in the last few months alone has accelerated that.

He's been proven to be as incompetent as predicted. He ha overseen the largest Covid death toll on the world. His business "empire" has finally been proven to be a sham, he's insulted veterans and active troops, people of colour, and women whilst paying no tax to support them.

The majority of America are stuck of him. Even Fox News have been on his case for the past few months.

posted on 30/9/20

comment by Kleberson (U22462)
posted 1 hour, 25 minutes ago
And of all the lucky breaks they may get an anti abortion Supreme Court judge to set rights back years
Separation of church and state my hole

the left is gonna kick right off when she gets elected to that position.
Or they'll just expand the court of they won the Senate

posted on 30/9/20

comment by 🇬🇧 elite.... the wolf wan (U16936)
posted 1 hour, 3 minutes ago
Fvck antifa, I hope the ‘proud boys’ do fvck them up
Churchill was antifa

posted on 30/9/20

comment by HB Fash - 2008 UEFA Cup Champions - Awarded 2020* (U21935)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by 🇬🇧 elite.... the wolf wan (U16936)
posted 1 hour, 3 minutes ago
Fvck antifa, I hope the ‘proud boys’ do fvck them up
Churchill was antifa

No he wasnt, antifa are chitbags who destroy cities, livelihoods and lives. I dont care what their ideology is, they are reprehensible.

posted on 30/9/20

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 30/9/20

comment by Kleberson (U22462)
posted 16 minutes ago
comment by HB Fash - 2008 UEFA Cup Champions - Awarded 2020* (U21935)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by 🇬🇧 elite.... the wolf wan (U16936)
posted 1 hour, 3 minutes ago
Fvck antifa, I hope the ‘proud boys’ do fvck them up
Churchill was antifa

No he wasnt, antifa are chitbags who destroy cities, livelihoods and lives. I dont care what their ideology is, they are reprehensible.
This isn't a debate, he was anti-facist.

You're clearly someone who has had his mind melted by right wing targeted news, facebook etc.

posted on 30/9/20

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 30/9/20

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

comment by Silver (U6112)

posted on 30/9/20

comment by JukeboxJunkie (U10162)
posted 24 minutes ago
No chance Trump wins this election.

He needs swing voters angry moderates to win as his core base isn't enough. He's alienated those votes for the past three years and in the last few months alone has accelerated that.

He's been proven to be as incompetent as predicted. He ha overseen the largest Covid death toll on the world. His business "empire" has finally been proven to be a sham, he's insulted veterans and active troops, people of colour, and women whilst paying no tax to support them.

The majority of America are stuck of him. Even Fox News have been on his case for the past few months.
Like the Labour heartlands, one catchy slogan and he’ll be in again, sadly.

posted on 30/9/20

He's an idiot, he's proven as much on this thread.

The left as he refers to them are actually right and the right are far right wanting to get further right.

posted on 30/9/20

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 30/9/20

. Just a little over the top.

posted on 30/9/20

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 30/9/20

comment by The Crystal Skull from thon Indiana Jones Disaster (U21917)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by HB Fash - 2008 UEFA Cup Champions - Awarded 2020* (U21935)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Kleberson (U22462)
posted 16 minutes ago
comment by HB Fash - 2008 UEFA Cup Champions - Awarded 2020* (U21935)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by 🇬🇧 elite.... the wolf wan (U16936)
posted 1 hour, 3 minutes ago
Fvck antifa, I hope the ‘proud boys’ do fvck them up
Churchill was antifa

No he wasnt, antifa are chitbags who destroy cities, livelihoods and lives. I dont care what their ideology is, they are reprehensible.
This isn't a debate, he was anti-facist.

You're clearly someone who has had his mind melted by right wing targeted news, facebook etc.
yeah I was amazed being anti-facist is now considered a bad thing?

amazing how some peoples minds work
A lot of little pickled brains haven't coped well.

We hate the natzis, we love Churchill, we hate the ant--facists, we love the facists.

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