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Browse: Tennis  French Open 
Article Rating 4.8 Stars

Title: The hot summer of 2012

The fight for the #1 spot is heating up. Nole still the clear front-runner but he also has a lot to defend between now and the USO.

In the table below I look at where each of the top 4 will be at various points this summer after they drop the points from the tournaments between now and then.

Djokovic Nadal Federer Murray
Now 11,000 8,905 11,075 7,460
after Cincy 9,400 8,715 10,805 6,450
after USO 7,400 7,515 10,085 5,730

So, for example, in the "after Wimb" row we see Djoker having 850 point lead on Federer (9,080 to 8,230). So if Federer wants to be ahead of Nole after Wimbledon, he will need to outperform him by at least 850 points between now and then.

Note that I did not attempt to handle the issue of countable/non-countable tournaments, so the true point totals may be slightly different.

posted on 25/5/12

"You right! I'll pass! "
wow, signs of mellowing from Tenez....there is hope then that you'll see my point of view one day, too

comment by Tenez (U6808)

posted on 25/5/12

You right! I'll pass! "
wow, signs of mellowing from Tenez....there is hope then that you'll see my point of view one day, too

Which one? If it's about Djoko there is way to go!

posted on 25/5/12

Not too long a way , I'm sure

posted on 12/6/12

I updated this table too, which is showing the chase for the #1 spot. Remember, the table shows the points that are left after we start with current points and drop off tournaments between now and the respective point in time.

It is absolutely neck-and-neck-and-neck for who will be #1 post-Cincy. Whoever performs best between now and then will be #1.

The table also shows that while Roger is in a pretty good position, it will still be tricky and he will most likely need to win a slam.

comment by Tenez (U6808)

posted on 12/6/12

The question is who is most likely to slip up in a slam and be part of an "upset"?

Federer's form at the FO certainly coudl be one if it doesn't get back to his best.

Djoko has shown he can be fragile on the way to the final. He had to come back twice and win the 5th set, including saving MPs.

Nadal seem the most solid player of the 3 besides his knees....(just kidding of course). But he is entering less favourable territory for the rest of the season.

The opposition will have a big impact. The players who coudl not find form at the FO (Delpo, Raonic, Berdych,Dolgo, etc....) could do some damage on the other surfaces and this is through those that I expect the upset.

posted on 12/6/12

Thanks for this table SB, I forgot about it, looks quite interesting updated ...
I suppose, the next few months will be very telling, particularly with Nadal, the rest I think will carry on as normal: last the year to the end.

posted on 9/7/12

Also updated this table. All of a sudden it does not look so close anymore. Not only did Fed maximize his points from Wimbledon but also both Novak and Rafa lost a huge chunk of their points. Both Novak and Rafa will need to outperform Roger by over 2,500 points through the USO is they want to come out of the USO ahead of him. It is not entirely impossible, but if Fed continues to play decent, it will be very difficult.

posted on 9/7/12

Nwtb wrote:

I suppose, the next few months will be very telling
Yes. Initially I was thinking mostly about the months through the end of summer, expecting that by YE Djoko would almost certainly reclaim #1 spot. Now it starts to look like we may even have a fight for YE #1 - even though there I would still give advantage to Nole.

posted on 20/7/12

Bumping this thred up. With Rafa's withdrawal from the OG, Andy now has a somewhat better chance of catching him. Obviously Andy cannot catch Rafa at the OG, but the table shows how many points Andy needs to gain on Rafa if he wants to be ahead of him after the USO.

The table shows that if neither Rafa nor Andy gain any points between now and the USO, Rafa will lead by 1,785 points ( = 7,515 - 5,730 ). So this is how much ground Andy needs to make up.

To me, that still looks like a hard ask. Even if Andy were to win OG and gain 750 points there (relatively unlikely in my opinion), he would still need to gain an additional 1,040 points in Canada, Cincy and the USO.

posted on 20/7/12

thanks SB. I don't really think it would make any difference whether Murray is 3 or 4, so long as he doesn't slip further down, that's all that matters.

I've been gutted with how bad draws Nole was having all the time while he was number 1, almost always had Fed in his half. Just disgusting.
Anyway, look forward to your Points spy when you find the time to do it.
Race for number one will be very interesting.
Can you post them on the "other" forum, as well, please

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