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Article Rating 5 Stars

Anyone surprised.?

The tournament ain't evan started and already.


im really worried now.

posted on 8/6/12

yes but the papers are misleading the nature of the racism to extent to make it look so bad. by making it look bad they know more readers will read it. that is propaganda.

players families are only not going because of what they read

posted on 8/6/12

I can't really see how this is misleading in any way whatsoever. When has there been organised monkey chanting at a training session in England? Open you eyes/ears and read below......

Straight from the horse's (Van Bommel's) mouth:

"Open your ears. If you did hear it, and don't want to hear it, that is even worse."

Van Bommel said: "It is a real disgrace, especially after getting back from Auschwitz, that you are confronted with this.

"We will take it up with Uefa and if it happens at a match we will talk to the referee and ask him to take us off the field."

posted on 8/6/12

i didnt say it wasnt a problem but im half polish and i have family connections in poland and the racism is no where near as bad as it is being made to be.

ok what happened in the dutch training session was bad and there should be some punishment. but i can promise you people will come back from the tournament and say they didnt know what all the fuss was about

posted on 8/6/12

comment by iV wIL5H2RE iV - Koscielny and Vermaelen are officially free (U9880)

What a doughnut you are

Did you not see the Sol Campball documentary where those racist fans just attacked the innocent Asian fans for no reason!!!!!

posted on 8/6/12

I hope you're right Wilshere. I just hope the next 3 weeks are about football and nothing else....

comment by 8bit (U2653)

posted on 8/6/12

don't get fooled by those documentaries... racism is worse in Eastern Europe because they have less immigration and a bit behind in that way but not everyone's racist just like not all English ppl are racist just because some crazy woman starts shouting on a train. Give them a chance first.

posted on 8/6/12

dont talk to me about the bbc who went completely over the top with their documentary. and sol campbell is someone who cries about racism at the slightest insult even if it isnt meant in a racist way

posted on 8/6/12

comment by iV wIL5H2RE iV - Koscielny and Vermaelen are officially free (U9880)

Can you explain the footage of the Asians clearly being attacked by home supporters??????? and the police doing nothing?????????

posted on 8/6/12

can you read the message where i said racism isnt a problem

can you accept the fact that the bbc took only a couple of games into the documentary where racism existed and the games were known for racism while they left out the 95% of games they went to because there wasnt any racism

posted on 8/6/12

btw i said racism is a problem. that was what i meant to put

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