People's thoughts?
The campaign was a letdown for me, was a tad boring.
the online ranking system is rubbish compared to the old games but gameplay feels like a mix between halo 3 and reach and cod!
The achievements are also boring.
the graphics are awesome and other than the points I made I think its pretty decent
halo 4?
posted on 9/11/12
I'm loving it personally. Still playing through campaign and really enjoying it so far, and there's of course the multiplayer which Is always great with halo. Been a big halo fan since halo 1 back in 2001 mind you.
posted on 9/11/12
Good to hear sgt pepper
Was on the fence as I'm finding myself with less free time and already a couple of quality games ATM. Guess ill be freeing up some time
posted on 9/11/12
I heard they are bringing out a competitive ranking system for online play like halo 2 and 3 in the new year.
I'm going to play the campaign again on legendary , maybe It will grow on me
posted on 9/11/12
By competitive ranking system what do you mean? Massive fan of Halo 3 but not played it in years.
posted on 10/11/12
For each game mode online you get a rank 1-50 .
the better you play the higher rank you go and you get matched up with players of similar rank.
they had the same thing in halo 2+3.
I read its being implemented in early 2013