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So where do Utd fans live?

Actually, most are around OT according to users' data on Twitter.


Guess we'll have to find something else to WUM you over.

Rooney's hair Best I got this early...

comment by Ali - (U1192)

posted on 12/1/13

comment by Soulboy (U2956)
I grew up down south. Moved to Spain when I was 9 then moved to Manchester when I was 16.

by the way I posted a similar article yesterday!

comment by RB&W (U2335)

posted on 12/1/13

it doesn't matter where you live in the Uk, along as you got to games as ofter as you can/afford is what counts to make you a proper supporter.

comment by Bruno (U1664)

posted on 12/1/13

Where do you live?

comment by RB&W (U2335)

posted on 12/1/13

like I said where you live is irrelevant.

Being a supporter is a hobby. Hobbies take commitment in time and money. I would reckon that about 80% of the people who declare that they are United fans in the UK have never been to OT and probably never will, despite many been able to afford to go occasionally or even every week. (do the maths, there are millions of people in the UK who say they support Man U but only 76000 of them turn up every week, most of those have a ST, so its the same people who generally go each week.

You see 1000s of dedicated supporters get on the road at 7am every Saturday or Sunday on branch coaches or hired vans to head off to OT from all corners of the country. These are real dedicated supporters as much as Mancunian ones. (I was B&B in Manchester) and it makes me laugh that some people call these plastics or lesser supporters than those with Manc accents.

You see other United fans on a Saturday afternoon walking around shopping centres all over the country with their WAGs even wearing a shirt and many of those will never make the effort to go.Not because they can't because of money or time but because they just can't be bothered and would rather watch it MOTD anyway.

These are the annoying plastics who give United supporters a bad name

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 12/1/13

I will take stick off any fan of any club who goes to games and is a supporter but getting abuse off someone who's never been to a game is wrong.

Wengersnearlymen is one such plastic, his reason for not going to the emirates is he's been put off by the terrorist attacks in London, I sheyit you not.

posted on 12/1/13

comment by RedBlackandWhiteside (U2335)
posted 1 hour, 1 minute ago
like I said where you live is irrelevant.

Being a supporter is a hobby. Hobbies take commitment in time and money. I would reckon that about 80% of the people who declare that they are United fans in the UK have never been to OT and probably never will, despite many been able to afford to go occasionally or even every week. (do the maths, there are millions of people in the UK who say they support Man U but only 76000 of them turn up every week, most of those have a ST, so its the same people who generally go each week.

You see 1000s of dedicated supporters get on the road at 7am every Saturday or Sunday on branch coaches or hired vans to head off to OT from all corners of the country. These are real dedicated supporters as much as Mancunian ones. (I was B&B in Manchester) and it makes me laugh that some people call these plastics or lesser supporters than those with Manc accents.

You see other United fans on a Saturday afternoon walking around shopping centres all over the country with their WAGs even wearing a shirt and many of those will never make the effort to go.Not because they can't because of money or time but because they just can't be bothered and would rather watch it MOTD anyway.

These are the annoying plastics who give United supporters a bad name

posted on 13/1/13

I'll hold my hands up and admit I've only ever been to 3 Chelsea games in my life because of finances. I was a student, and now I'm 25, I'm trying to save to buy my own place. Football is not the most important thing in my life (at the moment that would be my job as it takes up 60+ hours a week, as well as friends/family), so it doesn't bother me too much.

What I don't understand is the notion that because I don't spend every spare penny going to watch extortionate games live, I'm somehow less of a supporter. It's petty and nonsensical. People have different priorities and other circumstances to contend with.

Anyway, I just figured I'd post it as a slightly interesting finding.

comment by RB&W (U2335)

posted on 13/1/13

What I don't understand is the notion that because I don't spend every spare penny going to watch extortionate games live, I'm somehow less of a supporter.

because some supporters do and miss out on the other things that you would rather spend your cash on. Thats why they are more of a football supporter than you are.

posted on 13/1/13

It means football is more important to them, yes. But it doesn't mean I'm a plastic fan or worthy of childish criticism. If I had the money, I'd go more often. I don't, so can't.

comment by RB&W (U2335)

posted on 13/1/13

If I had the money, I'd go more often. I don't, so can't.

did you read what I said?

I said if you want to go but can't afford it , (meaning that if you did have more money you would go more often) then you are as much a fan as anybody.

Its those who don't go who could because they can't be bothered, and would prefer to spend their spare money on other luxuries, yet still gob off about their team, who are the annoying plastics. These people are worthy of childish criticism

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