good video games based on movies?
was arguing with my mate about this, who mainained there haven;t been any good games based on films. i argued against him at first but looking over all the options i think he might have a point
Spiderman II is about the only one i can think of, and even that got pretty repetitive. the battlefront series were about as good as Star Wars ever managed. Lord of the Rings ones were just about playable i suppose. we even had a couple of Harry Potter games when i was younger which were so laughably bad
any thoughts?
have there been any
posted on 11/3/13
Yes, Aladdin. Most of the disney games on the older consoles were good, because they were just basic platformers! As soon as they had to adapt they lost it.
However, the Toy Story 3 game was pretty good and most of the Lego games are good/brilliant. They released a bladerunner game on the PC as well which was brilliant. Oh and who can forget Tron...
posted on 11/3/13
There were nine responses to this thread before someone said goldeneye.
That is so shocking its untrue.
The only reason you needed to own a N64 was for Legend of Zepda OOT and goldeneye. Any other half decent game was an added bonus
posted on 11/3/13
Golden Eye is prob the best example of a true Movie >> Game as in most cases like Batman and Star Wars the games arent based on the actual films but the universe. X Wing Vs Tie Figher, Rogue Squadran, KOTOR, and the Jedi Knight series could all be added from the Star Wars universe, the new Batman games are both excellent. As above GhostBusters and GhostBusters 2 were both excellent. Batman the game based on the original movie was very good. Super Star Wars on the SNES. Star Wars on the 32 X is based on events in the films.
posted on 11/3/13
"Super Star Wars on the SNES."
I forgot about that one! That was excellent.
posted on 11/3/13
Has anybody played the amazing spiderman game?
I really enjoyed that, has all the good bits from spidey 2, Swinging through the city is brilliant.
posted on 11/3/13
Star Wars Battlefront 1 and 2 were both top quality - just a shame that they didn't (and maybe aren't going to) make another one.
Toy Story 2 on the PS1 was also a pretty great game.
posted on 12/3/13
Golden Eye, Battlefront, Ive heard good things about the game LA Noir, also does pokemon count?
posted on 14/3/13
I always thought that moonwalker was pretty good! And The Lord of the the rings game the third age was awesome
posted on 14/3/13
BATTYWACK (U2254), the third age was utter dog5.hite
the LOTR games were playable, but nowt mro than that
posted on 22/3/13
The only reason you needed to own a N64 was for Legend of Zepda OOT and goldeneye