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Article Rating 2.33 Stars

85% Of Everton Fans Don't Trust The Board

According to SOS Poll

Do you trust the current owner(s) of Everton FC?

(85%, 578 Votes) NO
(15%, 100 Votes) YES

Over on Toffeeweb fans were asked

On the issue of the ownership of Everton FC, which of the following best describes your position?

I would like to see the board replaced with an interim body charged with finding funds for the manager and new owners

I'm confident that the current board will deliver the correct solution to Everton's problems

Total number of votes: 1146

Just wondering how us lot on 606 compare.

Do you trust the current owner(s) of Everton FC?

(100% 1 vote) NO
(0% 0 votes) YES

On the issue of the ownership of Everton FC, which of the following best describes your position?

I would like to see the board replaced with an interim body charged with finding funds for the manager and new owners

I'm confident that the current board will deliver the correct solution to Everton's problems
Total number of votes 1

posted on 4/8/11

You tell your estate agent the terms of sale.

posted on 4/8/11

let someone else control the sale of their house


Never used estate agent as this would have bene the reply. Even with an estate agent, you are still not forced to sell at the price offered. Same with an interim board!

posted on 4/8/11

85% Of Everton Fans Don't Trust The Board
by CrISpY (U6554) 4 August 2011Comment on this Article According to SOS Poll

Do you trust the current owner(s) of Everton FC?

(85%, 578 Votes) NO
(15%, 100 Votes) YES

i thought everton had more than 678 fans.....

posted on 4/8/11

Did you know that 75.8% of statistics are made up on the spot?

posted on 4/8/11

Some were asked twice so these figures aren't 100% accurate.

posted on 4/8/11

comment by BK-Best Chairman Ever (U4748)
posted 18 minutes ago

85% Of Everton Fans Don't Trust The Board
by CrISpY (U6554) 4 August 2011Comment on this Article According to SOS Poll

Do you trust the current owner(s) of Everton FC?

(85%, 578 Votes) NO
(15%, 100 Votes) YES


That would equate to nearly 6:1 against. Taking an average gate of 35,000 that would mean 5,500 are against BK. WOW, they really are vocal at games

posted on 4/8/11

'Some were asked twice so these figures aren't 100% accurate.'

Reminds me of my favourite quote from the Naked Gun: 'The doctor says his chances are 50/50, and there's only a 70/30 chance of that.'

posted on 4/8/11

Reminds me of my favourite quote from the Naked Gun: 'The doctor says his chances are 50/50, and there's only a 70/30 chance of that.'


'Lou, you have something on your face.....no the other side'

posted on 4/8/11

Is this some kind of as bust?

Yes, it's very impressive.

posted on 4/8/11

'Nice Beaver'

'Thanks I stuffed it myself'

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