For the next gen, if you decide to get one, will you be buying an Xbox One, PS4, or WiiU (ok Wii U is kind of in between next gen and current but I still think counts)
5 Stars PS4
3 Stars Xbox One
1 Stars Wii U
(2 and 4 stars for PS3 and 360 respectively?)
Can this be multi boarded onto the Xbox and Nintendo boards too please if you see this Admin, thanks
So which console are you getting? VOTE
posted on 12/6/13
Melton no one really knows and this is the problem, basically the XBone has been one of the worse if not the worst PR stunt in gaming history and i think this is why many consumers are a tad miffed. They didnt answer any questions in which the gaming public really wanted answers and in the reveals basically swept in under the carpet in favour of advertising the TV Box One.
But what has been confirmed by M$ is:
Games will need to be installed on the HD - the disc isnt needed after this
You may sell and buy second hand games but 3rd parties could charge extra (similar to EAs online pass)
You cannot lend a game to a friend, but you may give them your game (as long as they have been on your friend list for over 30days) and you will lose all rights to the game and no longer be able to play it on your machine
posted on 12/6/13
I do agree completely that pr wise, they have made some pretty big errors and I'm sure there will be some pretty harsh conversations going on behind the scenes. I just think that there is more to come out about policies regarding both consoles. There hasn't been anything yet hat has made me personally think "I am definitely not having that one". In fact, if there were greater clarity behind the policies and the xbone aren't as draconian as is being currently thought of, I am veering more towards that as I have always slightly preferred xboxs exclusives (only slightly though, which is why I will probably end up buying both again) and the entertainment side of the console is actually used quite a lot in my household, particularly my son!
Me personally, I am purely interested in the quality of the games. The second hand market doesn't bother me too much either as I never sell a game I buy, I tend to revisit them a few years down the line. I realise in that regard, I am definitely in a minority there though and completely understand the concern.
I just wouldn't put it past Sony for some muted announcement coming out closer to the release date that will disgruntle people as well, which is why I will reserve judgment until a lot closer to the event.
posted on 12/6/13
you will still be able to trade in games, have any of you traded in a game to a store recently? they give you barley anything as it it
posted on 12/6/13
CEX give you good money.
posted on 12/6/13
Digby just get PS4
posted on 12/6/13
Get it for this
posted on 13/6/13
that looks rubbish
posted on 13/6/13
You are a fat pig
posted on 13/6/13
It's dead, I don't pay for dead things, unless they rise 3 times, in which case i will pay for them
posted on 13/6/13
Interesting read on PS4. May end up similar to XBone. MS are enforcing the DRMs themselves while PS4 will let third party publishers decide. So it may end up in a similar situation.