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Article Rating 5 Stars

The Posh V The Latics

Peterborough play Oldham hoping to make it a hat-trick of wins so far this season in League One. Not a glamorous tie but one with no room for complacency on the part of the Posh.

Will Tomlin play, or is his agent (or Brighton) to blame for him handing in that rejected transfer request? Despite his two goals, he hasn't been in the devastating form he is capable of. I hope his contribution on Saturday is a positive one.

Barring a repeat of last season's Cup heroics, I can't see Oldham getting a win or draw.

Three points please, and a hatful of goals - UTP!

posted on 17/8/13

We really need to get the form back, no excuse for not turning it on at LR.

posted on 17/8/13

Yeah, to be fair, looking at the stats they were fairly even, and as mentioned at London Road that should not be the case. Still winning when not playing well.

posted on 17/8/13

Shame that you didn't put those giants from the steel City away today. but it's a long old season.

posted on 18/8/13

Yes, our (Posh and, perhaps, Leeds) home forms need to improve, not least to attract the punters. Could it be that the closure of the Moyes Away Terrace in readiness for demolition is demotivating?

posted on 18/8/13

No problem, I've just ordered three thousand cardboard cut outs off e-bay, just need to work on the sound system..

posted on 18/8/13

Said sound system to play the new Britt Assombalonga* chant ...

* Wittily knick-named Assombalonganame by Champers on the Udders site.

posted on 18/8/13

Very original!.. it just flows of the tongue. like lipsmakingthirstquenching..etc.

posted on 20/8/13

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posted on 20/8/13

Hi there Putin, Wootton should be a good buy. He was a solid presence in the team when on loan to us, until injury forced him back to OT. Please be gentle on him - you have to start your career somewhere.

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