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Sheffield Wednesday

Wow, its as dead as a dinosaur on this board isn't it. I'm going to make an attempt to start some conversation whether people agree or disagree.

So, how do you fell about all things Wednesday these days?

I'll tell you how I feel - pretty deflated, underwhelmed, bored to be perfectly honest.

The lack of transfer activity has been very disappointing. I hear the same old rubbish all the time with "MM is running this club properly and to a budget", "we are spending within our means", "do you want to see us spend millions and end up how we were in the not so distant past" etc etc...

I think its great that MM is ensuring we don't fall back to the state we are in but you know what? its boring as hell! At the end of the day I pay my money to be entertained and what we are experiencing right now is not entertainment. I didnt bother renewing my season ticket because I knew we would recieve nothing more than last season and from what I have seen we are actually getting less. Im very pleased I didnt bother and I'll be honest that breaks my heart to feel like that. I love Wednesday, but right now I just dont have the will to spend that amount of money on a product made up of the cheapest parts available in the hope it will last 46 games.

Personally, I think Dave Jones is a complete idiot. That's just my personal opinion and its one Ive held since 1/4 of the way through last season. I wouldn't trust that man to manage a sponge. Why ship Martin Taylor out after playing him all the way through preseason (where he played well) and then spend extra money on Roger Johnson who cant get into the Wolves team to replace Gardner? I just don't get it. The amount of budget that buffoon has wasted is astounding. His tactics, formations, selections are all equally as ridiculous. I'm not going to be shouting for his head but Id like rid of him to be honest but I don't see it happening until MM has either committed to a longer future with us or has sold us.

Ive only been to the Burnley game, which was shocking. I think we have played better away from home but I hold any judgement on that given I havent attended. I can only go on results and lets face it, its not pleasant viewing is it that league table? Unfortunately, its exactly what I expected so I can give SWFC one applause which is meeting my expectations without fail.

New signings - Nuhiu looks decent. with a midfield he could be very dangerous. He holds up play well and has good feet for a big chap.

Mags hasnt done anything yet other than make a massive meal out of the foul by Joey Barton. Was it a pen? yes. Can you understand the refs decision? Well I can. He was fouled and he added an extra 50% to fall making it look a dive.

Zayatte I'm sure could be a good player but at the moment hes a complete liability, far more so than Lera who DJ doesn't seem to like. Hes making far to many mistakes and had he not been a DJ new boy he'd have been benched.

Floro had a complete mare but at times he looked ok for me. Not ready yet but give him time.

Spense hasn't played enough to comment.

For the existing players
Antonio has been rubbish.
Our 3 best players (Reda, Gardner, Buxton) are all injured or have been injured.

Kirkland has been great as normal.

I will finish on this last point. Before the Boro game someone said "don't worry, JJ is back tomorrow!"

Well, if relying on JJ is all we have for hope this season I'll consider a season ticket next year with the lowered League One prices.


posted on 15/9/13


There's nothing worse than having the hangover shakes, just want a spoon, back tickles and sleep alllll day!

posted on 16/9/13


It is obvious he has no ability. Useless.

A crap summer transfer record; surprise , surprise an over 30 year old ex-Wolves/Cardiff signing yet again...

... may as well be Joe Kinnear for all the doors he's able to open.


These boards being quiet reflect the apathy that Jones has instilled in many posters.

and one more thing...."shut it Barnsley fan"

posted on 16/9/13

Of course, I'm just a passenger. I leave it to your good offices to decide what's best. But what a glorious end to your final crossing if we were to get to New York on Tuesday night and surprise them all! Make the morning papers.

posted on 16/9/13

I guess a little small talk is in order here now?

YES YES, YES, GO AWAY, or whatever!

posted on 21/9/13

Hows Johnson doing?


posted on 23/9/13

Johnson? Hes a typical Dave Jones signing...

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