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These 6 comments are related to an article called:

Sheffield Wednesday

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posted on 15/9/13


There's nothing worse than having the hangover shakes, just want a spoon, back tickles and sleep alllll day!

posted on 16/9/13


It is obvious he has no ability. Useless.

A crap summer transfer record; surprise , surprise an over 30 year old ex-Wolves/Cardiff signing yet again...

... may as well be Joe Kinnear for all the doors he's able to open.


These boards being quiet reflect the apathy that Jones has instilled in many posters.

and one more thing...."shut it Barnsley fan"

posted on 16/9/13

Of course, I'm just a passenger. I leave it to your good offices to decide what's best. But what a glorious end to your final crossing if we were to get to New York on Tuesday night and surprise them all! Make the morning papers.

posted on 16/9/13

I guess a little small talk is in order here now?

YES YES, YES, GO AWAY, or whatever!

posted on 21/9/13

Hows Johnson doing?


posted on 23/9/13

Johnson? Hes a typical Dave Jones signing...

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