Their single intention is to silence the few true Leeds fans on here who want the best for their once-great club - for Grayson to resign or be sacked immediately.
The fact that these WUMs want Grayson to remain shows how much they truly despise Leeds United - they want Grayson to remain in position so that he can keep destroying a once-great club.
I feel so sorry for the few genuine Leeds fans on here. Keep the faith, keep calling for Grayson to go and you'll get your club back from the inane brigade one day soon.
The inane 'positive brigade' are WUMs
posted on 14/8/11
I'm sure KB will put his response to the protest either on the OS or in one of the papers, problem is the guy is so set in his ways he is'nt likely to either step down or make any concessions
posted on 14/8/11
Highland, will be in the programme so you have to pay to read it!
posted on 14/8/11
Probably Jonty, but you know KB likes a big audience so i reckon he'll leak it to the press
posted on 14/8/11
One Simon Grayson, theres only one Simon Grayson!
oooops, wrong thread
posted on 15/8/11
Good article, I agree with what you wrote.
Tony Ebola, Loved what ya wrote, a helluva lot of truth in what you said, couple it with what Harj wrote and you both hit the nail on head.
posted on 15/8/11
OH Yeah,
Throw in Happys article and part of HW's and and most of the bases are covered.
posted on 15/8/11
Sorry but I am an eternal optimist when it comes to Leeds, this is no attempt at anything underhand. What a ridiculous post, it is quite the reverse in my opinion.
For me Leeds always will be the best and I am always optimistic. I see mistakes but know they will be fixed. None of you negatives could manage the team any better and ı don't imagine for a minute things are as easy and straight forward as you think. Let's keep the faith for longer than just the opening two matches please. A big win and the comments will soon change.
I am no WUM, we know who they are...
posted on 15/8/11
I don't think Happy was pointing a finger at you personally, but why are you suspicious that he was?
I don't think it was a ridiculous post, infact I agree with it but, those who choose to support SG are entitled to do so, but, they don't have a right to verbally abuse those of us who don't share views.
We're all Leeds fans, we all support the team, we all want Leeds to win on the day, but some of us can see what is happening to our club and we vent our frustrations and anger, LGBL, are we not allowed to do that without verbal abuse being thrown at us?
posted on 15/8/11
Completely agree with teh abuse bit.
Just because someone doesn't agree with someone else's views there is too much of an abusive reaction rather than entering into debate.
posted on 15/8/11
After reading some comments on this forum I cant
help coming to the conclusion that some expect a
magician like David Copperfield to transform the
club...some are completely unrealistic and are very
unfair to present incumbents such as Bates and
Grayson...they're investing in Leeds in their different
ways...building a club after such an event of the
club's decline to the L1 is not a simple exercise and
takes time.
Many fans are intolerant both of mistakes and time
scales...a magician is not on the agenda,
understanding certain individuals have nothing to
gain by not doing their best in the interests of LUFC
should be on the agenda. They have nothing to gain
by underselling LUFC.