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Burnley media love-in

Whilst I am genuinely pleased that Burnley have achieved promotion, and deservedly so, it does rankle somewhat that they are the media darlings. All this even though, at least at present, it looks as though they will only finish second.

I would be the first to agree that Sean Dyche has done a great job BUT the repeated reference to their small squad is getting a little annoying, especially when interviewers constantly mention this 'remarkable feat'. They may have 'only' used 22 players but City have only used 21 (including one for St Ledger) but this is never mentioned. Perhaps this is an attempt by the general media to prepare us for being ignored next season - or am I just being cynical/paranoid?

posted on 23/4/14

That is a very good point about Eddie Howe bringing in many of the players that have been key to their promotion. Dyche was able to build a bit on an existing squad while Pearson has had to rebuild Leicester using only select elements from the previous regime. Twice, in fact. He also built the base of the Hull side that got promoted and are very likely to stay there.

comment by CDUBYA (U17121)

posted on 23/4/14

Bit surprised by this reaction actually as I think Burnley deserve all the acclaim they are getting. They have done it on a shoestring and it feels a bit mean spirited to try and down play that.
We received just as much coverage when we gained promotion and can look forward to more now we have been crowned champions.
They arent local rivals and surely its ideal they are being promoted as you would imagine there is a decent chance we will finish above them.

posted on 23/4/14

All credit to Burnley, but Dyche has been incorrectly suggesting we have a larger squad and have spent significantly more money so I can understand the reaction to some of the media comments. The mainstream media haven't really picked up on Burnley's 4 years of permier league parachute payments either, but why spoil a good story http://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/news/10619254._Shocking____8m_loss_for_Burnley_FC/?ref=rc

posted on 23/4/14

I'm with Cdubya on this one. I think it's all just down to timing! We were promoted earlier this month and the news articles were all over when it happened citing a variety of reasons why. Check out this one I dug up out of the BBC website apparently last updated on April 5th


I think that one just about covers all?

Since then Burnley were later promoted and received similar published articles citing their reasons for their promotion.

That doesn't take anything away from what we did or how/why we did it. It's just journalists trying to find something to write about and look insightful. The timing of the promotions was set apart and therefore so were the arcticles of praise. Quite a nice way to do it really and in today's news we're back in the limelight as we've now clinched the title.

However I do agree with some other comments here and it does also frustrate me when you hear some of the comments from some sources and other managers (who should study the league they're in and teams they're up against so frankly should know better!!) saying we're big spending Leicester.

But these are simply made by the uneducated fools and they really do and should look quite bitter and stupid to us clued up foxes. But if they want to make these ungrounded snipes then let them, and let Burnley have some limelight too. Fair play to them.

I don't care either way! We're CHAMPIONS!

posted on 23/4/14

Whilst I don't begrudge the coverage Burnley are getting, the bias towards them rather than us was summed up on Saturday on 5 live when the commentator at the end of the match when Burnley were confirmed as promoted said "Leicester City were promoted last week without playing a game but this week Burnley have done it in style" As if to say they got their promotion the right way as opposed to lucky Leicester who had to rely on other results going their way.

I don't care either We ARE the Champions!!!

comment by Jobyfox (U4183)

posted on 23/4/14

I have absolutely no problem with Burnley getting promoted. I’m delighted it’s them and not one of the other teams in the top six.

I also have no problem with the coverage they are getting. They are a “relatively” small club by Premier League standards, Dyche has managed the club very astutely and it has been run sustainably from a finance points of view.

I simply wish that the press would report things accurately. There is the tendency to look at clubs who have had significant support from an investor with envy. The impression is that they have somehow bent the rules to achieve success.

In reality if you look at clubs that are competitive in the Championship there are very few that haven’t either received parachute payments in their recent past or have been financed (disproportionately to their income) by a rich benefactor. It shouldn’t detract from Burnley’s achievements to point out that part of their success has been built on a very solid foundation achieved by the receipt of parachute payments and very significant transfer fees received for the likes of Rodriguez and Austin. In the same way our success has been bankrolled, to some extent, by foreign owners.

The obsession in this country is to hail the plucky loser and there is a real reluctance to acknowledge the ruthless and efficient winner. Also everyone in this country loves an underdog and that’s why the Burnley story is much more compelling than ours even if, when you scratch away at the surface, it is only partially correct.

comment by Vulpes (U6011)

posted on 23/4/14

Nail on head with that last para Joby.

As one of the powerhouse teams of my youth, I'm pleased that Burnley are coming up with us. Whatever the resources at their disposal, they've thoroughly deserved it.

It would be nice if the media occasionally had some sense of perspective about money though. Someone on here worked out a few weeks back, that our 'first team' cost around 8 million, which is fractionally over 6 months of Rooney's wages.

Always the way though – the more an initial misconception is corrected, the more it becomes reinforced. So no real surprise that to many, we're still 'Big spending Leicester', with a huge and expensively assembled squad.

posted on 23/4/14

I think

"I don't care, we ARE the Champions"

Should be a compulsory tag line to every post from now on.

I don't care, we ARE the Champions

posted on 23/4/14

Rankles with me too Yankari, but likewise...

I don't care, we ARE the Champions

True Blue

posted on 24/4/14

Joby - that sounded very much like a more eloquent version of a Joey Barton quote 😉

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