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Francis Coquelin

Heard he hasn't had a great time in Germany (can anyone confirm) which is a shame because I always felt he'd make a fantastic squad player, some thought even more than that. Does anyone believe he still has a role to play at Arsenal? I'd like to think so. Plays DM with much more energy than Arteta & Flamini and is also decent on the ball and pretty quick.

He's also capable playing both full-back positions and wide midfield. One doesn't just become a bad player overnight so with the roles he can do a job in and actually being a decent talent I'd like to see him around next year if possible. Was pretty skilful too. Not the answer to our DM problem for sure but can be a valuable squad member

Write off or nah?

posted on 22/5/14


comment by 8bit (U2653)

posted on 22/5/14

wouldn't mind him in the squad if he's not first choice, but he probably wants to play more.

posted on 23/5/14


"Heard he hasn't had a great time in Germany (can anyone confirm)"


"Coq has better mobility and some bite, he's also adept on the ball. Again not the answer but his potential suggests he can be better than what we currently have "


So if you haven't seen him play, or rather fail to play, for Freiburg this season, then what exactly are you basing your opinion on about Coquelin's potential and adeptness on the ball being 'better than what we current have'?!

It suggests to me you're either some kind of soothsayer, or an utter chancer lacking even the most remotely tangible concept of reality.

posted on 23/5/14


posted on 23/5/14

Lex you idiot has he not ever played games for us? 11/12 season in particular he featured a fair bit and I liked what I saw potentially however EVER SINCE he moved to Germany I haven't really seen him hence my paragraph asking others

I'm asking and trying to find out if his level has been maintained and with the more constructive responses filling me in, in comparison to your bitter drivel you're wrong. I have one of the most high level football knowledge on this site so don't question me. Your little ratty mate DJ can feck off too!


posted on 23/5/14

with the more constructive response filling me in it appears he hasn't which is more necessary in comparison to your bitter drivel*

posted on 23/5/14

I have one of the most high level football knowledge on this site

posted on 23/5/14


Believe it or not I do suck it up ho

posted on 23/5/14

Maybe you should show it once in a while in your posts then.

posted on 23/5/14

Well if you think Coquelin has shown enough during his brief cameos and appearances against lower league opposition playing for Arsenal to justify such wild claims, then at least you've answered my question as to which category of idiocy you belong, Inventor.

Sorry, I mean Mr 'Observant'.

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