at chelsea.
"My Goal scoring record for chelsea will remain till we sign messi,he can break it easily.comparing him with ronaldo?He is better then maradona".
Im backing either brazil or argentina with messi leading the line for them to win the world cup
Lampard on messi and his goals tally
posted on 8/6/14
You said "Like Northern Island" - you drew that parallel, no-one else, and quite frankly it's a stupid assertion and you clearly don't know wtf you're talking about.
The French and British colonised the Falklands, no-one else, and where do you think Argentina came from? You think they're indigenous or something and just happen to speak Spanish?
Jesus wept.
posted on 8/6/14
Argentina can feck right off if they think they're getting the Falklands back. There was a referendum there recently and I think only 3 people voted to be part of Argentina. The islanders consider themselves British and that's the main thing.
posted on 8/6/14
Anyway I don't care who wins the World Cup if its not England
posted on 8/6/14
The Falklands were originally settled by both French and British in the 1770's so both have a more legitimate claim to them than any other country.
The French left leaving their colonies to Spain. Argentina, who certainly had no colonies there, and did not know of there existence, tried claiming the Spanish colonies when they left.
The population (Made up of a heritage of Britsh, Chilean, St Helenan) who live there now are Falkland Islanders afforded the protection of the British Crown and want nothing to do with Argentina.
In the last vote 98.8% of them voted that they wanted nothing to do with Argentina!
posted on 8/6/14
The Falklands is British imperalism at its worst, and its the few old schools boys still desperate to hold on to what was...Times have changed this country has more problems here than to worry about it
posted on 8/6/14
Perhaps you'd like to go and explain you views to the people that live there!
posted on 8/6/14
You have you views on the pointless islands and so do i...But not point being bitter you sound like the Scots
posted on 8/6/14
I think it's the Islanders views that are more pertinent here - not your view and certainly not mine!
posted on 8/6/14
Call me old school but I find that banner provocative. The history of the Falklands is there for all to see and the most important view is that of the Islanders. As Brummie states 98.8% is a figure only matched in countries run by dictators.
You cannot ignore the people
posted on 8/6/14
Sorry, my mistake, it was 99.8%. Only three people voted for govanance by Argentina!